一膜两用套种草莓、玉米,平均667平方米产草莓500公斤左右,且可提前一周上市;玉米450公斤左右,可比单植常规栽培667平方米净增收入800元左右。一膜两用高效套种草莓、玉米技术要点是: 一、整地施肥 为便于排水和利于通风透光,采用高垄双行栽培法。畦宽0.7米,沟宽0.3米,垄高0.25米左右。玉米、草莓的基肥要一次施入,667平方米施粪肥5000公斤,复合肥30~50公斤。 二、草莓定植 草莓定植时间最迟不超过11月底,定植深度要做到深不埋心,浅不露根。每畦两行,行距30厘
A film of dual-use intercropping strawberries, corn, an average of 667 square meters of about 500 kilograms of strawberries, and can be listed one week in advance; corn about 450 kilograms, 667 square meters can be more than monoculture conventional cultivation of net income 800 yuan. A film of dual-use efficient intercropping strawberries, corn technical points are: First, the preparation of fertilizers to facilitate drainage and ventilation and light, the use of high ridges double row cultivation method.畦 0.7 meters wide, 0.3 meters wide, about 0.25 meters ridge height. Corn, strawberry base fertilizer to be applied once, 667 square meters of manure 5000 kg, 30 to 50 kg of compound fertilizer. Second, the strawberry planting strawberry planting time no later than the end of November, planting depth to be deeply buried, shallow root not exposed. Each 畦 two lines, spacing 30%