,Impurity effects on electrical conductivity of doped bilayer graphene in the presence of a bias vol

来源 :中国物理B(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:pluto_jelly
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We address the electrical conductivity of bilayer graphene as a function of temperature, impurity concentration, and scattering strength in the presence of a finite bias voltage at finite doping, beginning with a description of the tight-binding model using the linear response theory and Green’s function approach. Our results show a linear behavior at high doping for the case of high bias voltage. The effects of electron doping on the electrical conductivity have been studied via changing the electronic chemical potential. We also discuss and analyze how the bias voltage affects the temperature behavior of the electrical conductivity. Finally, we study the behavior of the electrical conductivity as a function of the impurity concentration and scattering strength for different bias voltages and chemical potentials respectively. The electrical conductivity is found to be monotonically decreasing with impurity scattering strength due to the increased scattering among electrons at higher impurity scattering strength.
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【问题】一个多边形的每一个外角都是36°,则这个多边形的边数为 。  【解析】这个多边形的每一个外角都是36°,则每一个内角都是144°。如果设这个多边形的边数为x,其内角和可以表示为144°·x,若根据内角和公式,则可以表示为180°(x-2),因而可以建立方程,得:144x=180(x-2),解得x=10。因此,本题应该填:10。  由于多边形的外角和都是360°,因而本题还可以运用整体的数学
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