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我国地区级行政单位和地级市的党报,以它强大的阵容跨入了90代年第一春。据统计,目前全国地、市、州、盟报已经突破了300家。这个数字意味着地市级党报基本上覆盖了我国的广阔城市和乡村。回顾过去的40年,我国省级以下的基层党报走过的历程,大体可以分为五个阶段。从解放初至1958年是基层党报的创办阶段。随着当时全国经济的恢复和生产的发展,地市报和县报的数量逐年增加。1952年统计,全国有专署报50家、中小城市报27家、农民报50家、工矿报60家。到了“大跃进”年代,基层党报出现第一次发展高峰。当时全国2000多个县几乎是县县有报纸。第二阶段是1959年至1961年,由于经济困难的制约,许多基层党报不得不停刊,出现第一次低 The party newspaper of China’s district-level administrative units and prefecture-level cities entered the first spring of 90th generation with its strong lineup. According to statistics, at present, all over the country, cities, prefectures and allied newspapers have exceeded 300. This figure means that the municipal party newspaper basically covers the vast cities and villages in our country. Looking back over the past 40 years, the history of grass-roots party newspapers below the provincial level in our country can generally be divided into five stages. From the first liberation to 1958, it was the founding stage of the grassroots party newspaper. With the national economic recovery and the development of production at that time, the number of municipal newspapers and county newspapers increased year by year. Statistics in 1952, the country has Agency reported 50, small cities reported 27, farmers reported 50, mining reported 60. By the “Great Leap Forward” era, the first peak of the development of the party newspaper at the grassroots level appeared. At that time, nearly 2,000 counties in the country were almost counties with newspapers. The second stage is from 1959 to 1961, due to economic constraints, many grassroots party newspapers had to stop publication, the first low
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作者原文: 北京市政府开始整顿歌舞厅管理秩序最近,北京市政府开始着手整顿歌舞厅的管理秩序。据有关人士透露:北京市现有47家歌舞厅。这些歌舞厅的出现,丰富了首都人民的业