办好公社防痨门诊 大力开展农村肺结核病防治

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我县位于沂蒙山区,共有16个公社,929个生产大队,83万人口。1972年,通过流行病学调查证实,全县肺结核病患病率为1.0%,有8,000名患者正处于活动性阶段,死亡率为58/10万。为了积极防治肺结核病,县设了防痨组,各公社和县医院设了防涝门诊,建立了县、社、队三级防痨网,培训了防痨技术人员,开展了该病查、管、治和卡介苗计划免疫工作。结果,至1978年患病率降到0.39%,死亡率降到17.5/10万。工作中我们体会到,办好公社防痨门诊是搞好农村防治肺结核病工作的重要措施。公社防痨门诊直接担负着肺结核病的登记、管理、治疗、复查及卡介苗接种等各项防治任务,是三级防痨网中的关键一环,办得好坏直接影响该病防治的成效。如某公社曾撤销了防痨门诊,抽走了防痨医生, My county is located in Yimeng Mountain, a total of 16 communes, 929 production brigades, 830,000 people. In 1972, epidemiological surveys confirmed that the prevalence of tuberculosis in the county was 1.0%, and 8,000 patients were in an active stage with a mortality rate of 58/10 million. In order to actively prevent and treat tuberculosis, the county set up a group of anti-tuberculosis, the commune and county hospitals set up flood protection clinics, the establishment of county, community and team three anti-tuberculosis net, trained anti-tuberculosis technical staff to carry out the disease investigation, Tuberculosis, Governance and BCG immunization programs. As a result, the prevalence dropped to 0.39% by 1978 and the mortality rate dropped to 17.5 / 100,000. At work, we realize that it is an important measure to do a good job in preventing and treating tuberculosis in the countryside. Commune anti-tuberculosis clinic is directly responsible for the registration, management, treatment, review and BCG vaccination and other tasks of prevention and treatment of tuberculosis. It is the key link in the three-level anti-tuberculosis network and can directly affect the effectiveness of the prevention and treatment. If a commune has withdrawn anti-tuberculosis clinics, took away the anti-tuberculosis doctors,
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