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处理完毕的文件要立卷保存,才便于保管和使用,这个道理对档案人员来说,应当是明了的。然而在改革中或随着新情况(使用计算机)的出现,也有人提出取消文书立卷,只按收发文顺序保存,另作索引卡片或把文件标题输入计算机,需要时作出分类目录使用。殊不知这种做法仍然没有把文件按类归卷,查找使用需要东抽一份,西抽一份,也不见得是方便的。更进一步说:文件要立卷,是文件归档的基本要求,是为了巩固文件在处理过程中的联系,使之作为工作活动的证明,组成案卷,一便于保存,二便于查找使用,三作为文件可靠性的证明。图书是一本一本的,它的内容是在一个主题下互有联系的整体。档案的细胞——案卷,也应当同图书一样是一本有联系的文件汇集,这是我们对案卷的基本要求。然而图书是人的脑力思维的产物,案卷却是许多具有不同形式和用途的文件所组成,要把这些不同的文件组成有联系的文件汇集,不是凭主观的想象去分类归纳,而是注意把握这些文件在公务或私人活动中固有的自然联系,使这些文件成为某项活动的历史证明。 Processed documents to be stored upright, it is easy to custody and use, the truth of the file staff, it should be clear. However, in the process of reform or with the advent of new situations (using computers), some have also proposed to cancel documents and organize them only in the order they are received and dispatched, in addition to indexing cards or entering the title of a document into a computer. As everyone knows this approach is still not the document according to the class volume, find the need to find a use of the East pumping, pumping a West, nor necessarily convenient. To put it in a nutshell, the document is to be printed in rolls, which is the basic requirement for document filing. It is intended to consolidate the links between documents in the process of processing and make them a proof of work activities, to form a case file, to facilitate the preservation, to facilitate the search and use, Proof of reliability. Books are book-by-pages, the content of which is intertwined in one subject. Archives cell - file, it should be the same as the book is a collection of associated documents, which is our basic requirements of the file. However, the book is the product of human mental thinking, but the file is composed of many documents with different forms and uses. It is necessary to combine these different documents into a collection of related documents, not to classify them by subjective imagination, but to pay attention to grasping The natural linkages inherent in the official or private activities of these documents make these documents a historical proof of an activity.
设备档案是设备从制造开始直至生产活动中的历史记录,是设备维修的重要技术依据。现将兰州真空设备厂的设备档案管理的一些做法介绍如下: 一、设备档案的收集: 我们以全厂每
阐述了在档案史料编纂工作中运用系统方法进行选题的必要性和科学性,并针对个别选题指出了系统选题的优越性。 Expounds the necessity and the scientificity of using the
指出了农业科技档案信息在科技兴农中的作用,阐明了开发农村农业科技档案信息资源的环境特点、途径和方法。 Points out the role of agricultural science and technology