妥善地处理和预防合并症,是巩固和发展角膜移植术的主要技术环节之一。许多初学者之所以被迫浅尝辄止,就因不能妥善处理合并症。作者积从业以来有限的工作体会,结合文献,整理成文,供初学者在实践中参考。术后早期合并症 1.前房延缓形成或无前房术后三天内前房不形成或很浅应想到两种情况:眼压低且有房水漏出现象,为伤口闭合不够严密引起。最佳措施当数重新缝合加固伤口;如前房浅在,房水渗漏轻微,可
Proper handling and prevention of comorbidities is one of the major technical steps in the consolidation and development of keratoplasty. Many beginners are forced to try their best, because they can not properly handle the complication. The author has accumulated a limited amount of work experience since he worked in the industry, combined with the literature and collated the essay for reference for beginners in practice. Early postoperative complications 1. Anterior chamber delayed or three days after the formation of anterior chamber is not formed or very shallow should think of two situations: low intraocular pressure and a room of water leakage phenomenon, not close enough for the wound closure. The best measures when the number of re-suture reinforcement wound; such as shallow anterior chamber, aqueous humor slight, may