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胡正伟,生于1941年,中国美术家协会会员,国家一级美术师,自治区政协常委,原任甘肃画院副院长,现任宁夏美协名誉主席、宁夏书画研究院院长。作品参加全国六届、七届、八届、九届美展,跨世纪中国画提名展,全国一、二届花鸟画展,全国一、二届山水画展,中国三百家画展等十余次全国性大展并荻奖。研修于中央美术学院,广州美术学院中国画专业。作品在《美术》、《国画家》、《中国美术》等全国众多报刊发表,先后在十余个国家展出,并被国内外美术馆收藏,出版画集四种。2001年画家在中国美术馆举办了以“西北风·西部风情画展”为主题的个展,受到了首都观众和美术界的高度评价,被认为是近几年来高水平的展览。作品“苏武牧羊”被中国美术馆收藏。 Hu Zhengwei, born in 1941, is a member of the Chinese Artists Association, a national artist, a standing member of the Political Consultative Conference of the autonomous region, and former vice president of the Gansu Art Academy. He is currently the honorary chairman of the Ningxia American Association and the dean of the Ningxia Calligraphy and Painting Research Institute. Works participated in the national six, seven, eight, nine art exhibition, cross-century Chinese Painting Nomination Exhibition, the national one or two flowers and birds painting exhibition, the country one or two landscape painting exhibition, China three hundred paintings exhibition more than ten times the national large Exhibition and Di Award. Training in the Central Academy of Fine Arts, Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts Chinese painting professional. His works have been published in numerous newspapers and periodicals such as “Fine Arts”, “Chinese Painters”, and “Chinese Fine Arts”. They have been exhibited in over ten countries and have been collected and published in art galleries both at home and abroad. In 2001, the artist solo exhibition organized by China National Art Museum with the theme of “Northwest Wind and Western Landscape Painting Exhibition” was highly praised by the capital’s audience and fine arts circles. It is considered to be a high-level exhibition in recent years. Works “Su Wu Sheep ” was collected by the China Art Museum.
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