Space Umbrellas to Shield Earth

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科学家们因为日益严重的全球温室效应伤透脑筋,甚至有人想到将地表大面积涂上白漆来反射太阳光。当然,一个更大胆、而且具有一定实际意义的计划是给地球撑上“太空伞”来遮挡阳光。已经有科学家在研究批量发射伞形地球轨道卫星来保护地球的可行性。他们的计划真的会实现吗?这一宏大计划所消耗的能源又是否值得呢? Scientists are struggling with the growing global warming effect, and some people even think of painting large areas of the earth’s surface with white paint to reflect sunlight. Of course, a bolder and more practical plan is to shelter the Earth against the “space umbrella.” Scientists have been studying the feasibility of launching umbrella-shaped earth orbit satellites in bulk to protect the earth. Will their plans really come true? Is it worth the energy consumption of this grand plan?
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