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四川平昌县雷山乡,地势是山岭式的丘陵,位于平昌县西北,巴河以东,达巴公路以西,海拔约700公尺,农事季节较早,盛产水稻、棉花、红苔,是一个连年增产的乡。全乡有耕地面积9,987亩,6个高级农业社,总农户1,238户,6,324人。该乡由于地势偏僻,道路崎岖,常年运粮、运货和田间运输,群众深深地受到肩挑背驮的苦楚,且直接影响到人民的生产、生活。据调查,1957年全乡各种运输总需工即达320,374个工日,占总用工数的22.5%,仅和平、五星两社的不完全统计,因运肥困难而造成减产20%以上的即有85亩。因此,迅速实现道路车子化、解决劳动力的不足,便成为该乡全体人民的迫切愿望和要求。雷山乡人民在党中央提出的“鼓足干劲、力争上 Ping Shanxian Leishan Township, Pingdingshan is a mountain-like hills, located in the northwest of Pingchang County, east of Pakistan Bahru, west of Dhaka Road, about 700 meters above sea level, the agricultural season earlier, rich in rice, cotton, red moss, is A perennial increase in the township. The township has 9,987 acres of arable land, six senior agricultural cooperatives, total population of 1,238 households, 6,324 people. Due to its remote location, rugged roads, perennial grain transportation, cargo transportation and field transport, the township is deeply affected by the pains of shoulders and shoulders and directly affects people’s production and life. According to the survey, in 1957, the total work load of various transportation in the township reached 320,374 man-days, accounting for 22.5% of the total number of work. Only the statistics of peace and five-star clubs caused more than 20% That is 85 acres. Therefore, the prompt realization of carization of the road and the solution of the labor shortage have become the urgent aspiration and demand of all the people in the township. Leishan people in the party Central Committee put forward the "energetic, strive to
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以国际风险投资行业成功的经验而言,风险投资的对象是那些具有高成长性的企业或极具辅导前景的先进技术或项目。 据《中华工商时报》发表的王晓龙文章分析,由于我国的高新技
韩国联合通讯社报道 ,韩国 SIMSL INE公司日前宣布推出一种新型多功能多媒体数字录音机“SVR-C4 0 5”。除数字录音外 ,该录音机还兼有相机和摄像机的功能。公司表示 ,这种重