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电影是观众最多的一种艺术。尽快繁荣我国的电影事业,是亿万观众的强烈要求。 繁荣电影事业要做的工作很多,其首要者,恐怕是培养一支强大的电影专业队伍。目前,我国电影专业创作人员不过几百人,有些还是两栖于电影与小说、散文、诗歌之间的,至于电影评论队伍则更弱了。日本电影界有些人对中国作家这种兼而顾之的作法很不理解。他们认为电影有其自身的艺术规律,两栖于二者之间。结果往往一一者皆不精纯。电影应有自己的专业作家队伍。 Movies are the art of the most viewers. Prosperity of China’s movie industry as soon as possible is a strong demand of millions of viewers. The prosperous movie industry to do a lot of work, the primary person, I am afraid that is to cultivate a strong film professional team. At present, there are only a few hundred film crews in our country, some of whom are still amphibious between films and novels, essays and poetry, while the film review team is even weaker. Some Japanese filmmakers do not understand the Chinese writer’s co-operation. They think the film has its own art rules, amphibious in between. Often the results are not pure one. The movie should have its own team of professional writers.
  When body moving voltage increase up to a dozen at narrow exit in coal mine environment,human body capacitance of miners decrease quickly to one tenth,which
  Active species such as ozone and hydroxyl radicals could be generated by electrochemical method,and the electrode material had effect on its life,catalytic
变革年代,百姓心理费思量.号不准脉,对不了症,扩面征缴难着力.找准工作世入点,离不开深入调查,而广州市的调查,却是别出心裁—— In the era of change, the people’s psyc
  The goal of this research was to provide an improved understanding of the existence of photosensitive structure in humic acids(HAs)that are extracted from C
  In order to design a small radiating nuclear electromagnetic pulse simulator with fast rise time,we have investigated the application of TEM horn antenna in