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顷准济南铁路局转中央铁道部电开:「关于荣军及荣校学员乘车办法规定如下:(一)荣军及荣校学员,准予凭荣军证购买半价客票。(二)劳军管理人员如本人非荣军(及无荣军证者)仍按行政人员办理核收全价,并统自九月一日起施行」等由准此为了优待全体荣军同志,特作如下规定:(一)不分在乡在校以及在各机关团体工作之荣军因公或因事外出,必须乘坐火车者,一律得享受半价乘车之优待。(二)荣军半价乘车除必须持有死亡证(荣军证)到站交验外,并须持有所在机关团体之证明信,说明事由及上下车起讫点,在乡荣军须持有区以上政府之证明信。(三)残废证不得转借他人,非荣军者更不得借用残废证,冒名顶替,如被发觉,各车站除收缴残废证外,并得照章补票。以上规定仰各行署、专署、直属市,转饬所属遵照执行为要。 Are allowed Jinan Railway Bureau to switch to the Central Ministry of Railways said: “On the Rong Jun and Wing students ride regulations are as follows: (a) Wing and Wing Wing students to allow the purchase of half-price tickets by virtue of the military license. (B) The non-Invalides (and Jungless Military Licensees) still handle the full price of nuclear inspections on an administrative basis, and the system will go into effect as of September 1. ”In order to give preferential treatment to all Comrades in Leshan, we hereby make the following special provisions: (1) Township schools and in the work of the various agencies and organizations of the Injun due to business or things go out, you must take the train, will be entitled to half-price ride. (B) In addition to the half-price riders must have a death certificate (Rongjun card) to the station for inspection, and must hold the letter of the organization organs, explain the reasons and getting on and off the starting point, Letter from the government. (C) A disabled card may not be diverted to others. Non-privileged non-privileged service personnel should not borrow a disabled card or impost the deceased person. If found, the stations will receive the replacement ticket in addition to the disabled card. The above provisions Yang various administrative departments, agencies, cities directly under the jurisdiction of the transfer to comply with the implementation.
你省1988年5月27日《关于撤销乐陵县设立乐陵市的请示》收悉。经国务院批准,同意撤销乐陵县,设立乐陵市(县级),以原乐陵县的行政区域为乐陵市的行政区域, You Province, Ma
你省1988年5月31日《关于尚志县撤县建市的请示》和8月15日补充报告收悉。经国务院批准,同意撤销尚志县,设立尚志市(县级),以原尚志县的行政区域为尚志 May 31, 1988 in yo
一个在成都发展了二十年的行业,在各种主客观因素的作用下,突然走到了生死边缘。成都女鞋作为“中国制造”的典型,其自救的意义已经超越了行业本身。    “中国制造”的危机在成都女鞋行业中表现得尤其明显。  “伟恒鞋业的老板跑了!”2008年6月25日一大早,成都瑞丰皮鞋有限公司总经理李开茂便从几个同行口中听到了这个消息。  “老板半夜把厂里值钱的东西都搬走了,工人早上来上班,发现工厂已经成了空架子。”
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