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在做这个选题的时候,我们一直在考虑一个问题:我们是不是在为富人呐喊?无可否认的是,在社会分配已经出现不小的差距的今天,私营企业主们是幸运的一群。当他们已经富裕起来的时候,我们还在为他们的企业说话,是不是已经偏离了轨道? 在各地采访的过程中,我们发现了一个规律:越是私营经济发达的地方,国企改革进行得越顺利。为什么?因为国企大量的下岗员工都进入了私企就业。像江浙、广东,大量的私企不但为国企消化了可能会造成社会不稳定因素的下岗职工,还为国企的改革提供了大量的民间资本。在这些地方,人们的情绪很稳定。从这个意义上来说,正是草根出生的私营企业,在向艰难前行的国企们伸出手去。我们为这样的相助喝彩,因为从往日身躯臃肿的国企消肿行动中失去他们的职业的,正是我们的父母兄长,我们与他们血脉相连。帮助私企,也就是帮助我们自己。然而,这些被统计部门列为“其它经济成分”(仅仅从这“其它”两字,我们就可以知道它们的处境和在社会上的地位)的私营企业自身改造之路,其实走得也不平坦。这几年不断有学者观察到,私营企业的创业动力在下降,最敏感的私人投资1999年已经出现了全国性的下降,幅度是6%。这是可以想见的。正如人们告诉记者:温州之所以私营经济发达是因为人多地少,人们在土地上养不活自己。养不活自己了就搞企业。那么经过几十年创业,能养活自己了,生活已经进入小康甚至大康了,在私营企业还是被另眼相看的时候,为什么还要累死累活地再创业?这不仅仅是温州一地出现的现象,还可能是普遍的社会心理。中国的发展需要进一步的动力,就目前而言,私营企业提供了这种动力的很大一部分。但是也应该看到的是,社会为私营企业的发展所提供的动力是不足的。在WTO环境下,私营企业面临的就不仅仅是它们传统的本土对手——国企和外资企业的竞争,那种竞争将是全面而残酷的。在政府为国企花尽心思设计入世后的竞争优势的时候,是不是也应该回过头来为私营企业考虑一个平等而公正的竞争环境,以帮助私营企业进一步壮大,加入入世后的竞争呢? 我们认为应该,而且十分必要。 When we did this, we were always thinking about the question: are we crying out to the rich? Undeniably, private-sector entrepreneurs are a fortunate group today when there has been a big gap in social distribution . When they have become rich, we are still talking to their business, is not it has deviated from the track? In the process of interviews across the country, we found a law: the more privately-run economy developed, the more SOE reform carried out smoothly. Why? Because a large number of laid-off workers in state-owned enterprises have entered the private sector employment. Like Jiangsu and Zhejiang, Guangdong, a large number of private enterprises not only digested the laid-off workers who might cause social instability for state-owned enterprises, but also provided a large amount of private capital for the reform of state-owned enterprises. In these places, people's emotions are very stable. In this sense, it is the private-owned grassroots enterprises that have reached out to the struggling state-owned enterprises. We applaud for this kind of help because our parents, brothers and sisters, who lost their jobs from the swollen state-owned enterprises in the past, we are all very much connected with them. To help private companies, that is to help ourselves. However, these private-owned enterprises' transformations, which are classified as “other economic components” by the statistics department (we can know their position and social status only from the “other” characters) flat. In recent years, some scholars have continuously observed that the private sector's entrepreneurial momentum is declining. The most sensitive private investment has seen a national decline in 1999, at a rate of 6%. This is conceivable. As people told reporters: The reason why Wenzhou's private economy developed because fewer people more people living on the land themselves. Raise their own businesses. So after decades of entrepreneurship, to support themselves, and life has entered a well-off or even well-being, the private sector is still being looked at by other people, why do you want to rejuvenate again and again? This is not just a place in Wenzhou Phenomenon, it may be universal social psychology. The development of China needs further impetus, and for the time being, the private sector has provided a large part of this momentum. However, it should also be noted that the impetus provided by society to the development of the private sector is insufficient. Under the WTO environment, private enterprises are facing more than just the competition from their traditional local rivals, state-owned enterprises and foreign-funded enterprises, and the competition will be comprehensive and cruel. Should the government consider the competitive advantages of the state-owned enterprises after WTO accession to the WTO as an equal and fair competition for the private sector in order to help the private sector to further develop and join the post-WTO competition? I think it should be, and very necessary.
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