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在素质教育理念下要求学生全面发展,在教学中从德、智、体、美、劳等多个方面抓起,其中德育更是排在首位,这说明德育教育的重要性。尤其是在小学教育阶段,学生年龄较小辨别是非能力不强,缺乏社会阅历且认知能力较弱。为此,在小学体育教学中,教师应当主动承担渗透德育教育的重任,结合体育学科特点实施德育教育,帮助学生完善人格品质。一、教师利用自身言行举止适当渗透德育教育在小学教育阶段,体育科目是一门培养学生健康心理、 Under the concept of quality education, students are required to develop in an all-round way. In teaching, they begin with moral, intellectual, physical, aesthetic and labor aspects. Among them, moral education ranks first in the first place, which shows the importance of moral education. Especially in the primary education stage, the younger students are less able to identify non-ability is not strong, lack of social experience and cognitive ability is weak. Therefore, in primary school PE teaching, teachers should take the initiative to undertake the important task of infiltrating moral education and carry out moral education according to the characteristics of PE discipline so as to help students improve the quality of personality. First, teachers use their own demeanor to properly penetrate moral education In the primary education stage, physical education is a subject to develop a healthy student psychology,
创业篇——艰苦奋斗 人们不会忘记,新中国成立伊始,年轻的共和国面对的是战争废墟,百业待兴。那时,几乎没有像样的枪械制造厂,人民解放军装备的枪械也极其陈旧,型号杂乱,基
AIM:Because the presence or absence of H pylori infectionhas important implications for therapeutic decisions basedon histological assessment,the reproducibili
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反坦克火箭筒是在近距离作战的有效的武器。在战斗行动和局部武装冲突中可以作为部队的战斗装备能有效的完成战斗任务。 俄罗斯火箭和火炮科学学会在分析俄陆军装备现状时说