认真贯彻十六大精神 推动县域经济新跨越

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一、优先发展工业,打造小康社会发展脊梁。一是培育一批重点支柱企业。要立足于营山现有的纺织、食品、机械、化工、建材、电子电器等行业优势,不断提升和优化。二是发展一批新兴企业。工业增总量,重点在发展,要把兴办中小企业作为发展的重点。要巩固壮大一批,要发动全民办一批,要招商引资引一批。三是发展特色工业。要利用粮油、生猪、牛羊、蛮茧、果品等农产品资源,做强做大皇晶油脂、润丰、金环、南绫等现有农产品加工企业,新发展一批农产品加工龙头企业,带动发展一批相关产业,建立产业互动链。引导工业企业围绕第三产业,开发适销对路 First, giving priority to the development of industry and building a well-off society. First, cultivate a number of key pillar enterprises. To be based on the existing business in the mountains of textile, food, machinery, chemicals, building materials, electronic appliances and other industries, continuous improvement and optimization. Second, the development of a number of emerging businesses. The total industrial output, with emphasis on development, should be given to the development of small and medium-sized enterprises as the focus of development. To consolidate and grow a batch, it is necessary to mobilize a batch of people run by the whole people to introduce a batch of investment invitations. Third, the development of distinctive industries. It is necessary to make use of the resources of agricultural products such as grain and oil, pigs, cattle and sheep, pretty cocoon, fruit and so on to strengthen and enlarge the existing agro-processing enterprises like Huangjing Oil, Runfeng, Jinhuan and Nan Ling, and to develop a batch of new agro-processing enterprises Develop a number of related industries and establish an interactive industry chain. To guide industrial enterprises around the tertiary industry, develop marketable routes
Elenco delle principali specie vegetali rinvenute nel popolamento,loro inquadramento secondo RAUNKIAER(ZANgheri p.,1976) E SCHMID (SUSMEL L.,1980);valutazione
“我有些悲观。别人都不搭理我最好,自己打自己的最舒服。” 北京东单,中国的街头篮球圣地,这里聚集着也许是中国最好的一批街球爱好者。露天篮球场3米高的铁丝拦网上一年四