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随着技术的进步,电脑的神秘面纱已悄然揭开,开始步入人们的日常生活中,但也不得不承认,距离家用电脑市场的成熟,还要有相当长的一段时期。这不仅指市场本身,实际上,对于许多消费者而言,电脑不过是继彩电、冰箱之后的又一种新型家电,用户这种不成熟的想法在一定程度上也妨碍了电脑市场的良性发展。由于我国市场法制进一步完善,假冒伪劣产品的生存空间逐渐缩小,厂商也极力避免卷入这类不光彩的纠纷当中。可公司运作的正常成本和期望的高额利润又如何维持呢?用户的不成熟使厂商找到了一条“康庄大道”,根本用不着脚踏实地开展业务,只需在电脑配置上做些手脚,同样可以有高额的回报,而且还避免了假冒伪劣产品带来的风险。 As the technology advances, the mystery of the computer has quietly opened its doors and started to enter the daily life of people. However, it has to admit that it will take a long time before the market for home computers matures. This not only refers to the market itself. In fact, for many consumers, the computer is just another new type of home appliance after the color TV sets and refrigerators. The immature idea of ​​users also hinders the sound development of the computer market to a certain extent . As China’s market legal system to further improve, fake and shoddy products living space shrinking, manufacturers are also strongly avoid being involved in such disgraceful disputes. The normal operation of the company costs and expectations of how to maintain the high profits? The immaturity of the manufacturers so that manufacturers have found a “broad road”, there is no need to down-to-earth business, simply configure the computer to do some hands and feet, the same can have High returns, but also to avoid the risk of fake and shoddy products.
2,6-Dimethoxyphenol (DMP) as a substrate was widely used in determination of laccase activity. It is surprising, however, that its catalyzed oxidation products
本文通过用于工业现场的一套系统建构过程,实现动态延时。讨论了如何利用概率理论及模糊技术的思想,利用可编程序控制器PLC及软件,提高系统智能化程度的方法。 This article achie
A new lanthanum complex,(H3O)2[La(C7H3NO5)2(H2O)2]2·3(H2O) or (H3O)2[La(HChel)2(H2O)2]2·3(H2O) 1 (H3Chel=4-hydroxypyridine-2,6-dicarboxylic(chelidamic) acid),
苹果公司最近展示了其最新的iPod播放器。它的尺寸比一节五号电池还要小,堪称世界上最小的音乐播放器。这款iPod真正的创意并不止于此,它还是一款会说话 Apple recently dem