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直线和平面这一章,是立体几何的基础。由于这一章的概念和定理较多,空间观念强,学生难于理清脉络,抓住重点。因此,在毕业复习中,需要认真对待。下面谈谈我组织这一内容复习的几点作法。一、将概念和定理归类总结,理清脉络。直线和平面这一章,是按直线和直线、直线和平面、平面和平面的顺序编排的。复习时,我首先抓住“平行”和“垂直”这两个概念,把分散的有关定理“上珠串线”。比如,直线与直线平行,可以串上下列判定定理:①如果两条直线各与第三条直线平行,则这两条直线互相平行;②两个平行平面与第三平面相交,则两条交线平行;③垂直于同一平面的两条直线平行;④如果一条直线与一个平面平行,并且过这直线的一个平面与这平面相交,则这直线与这交线平行。 The chapters of straight lines and planes are the basis of solid geometry. Because there are many concepts and theorems in this chapter, and the concept of space is strong, it is difficult for students to understand the context and grasp the key points. Therefore, in the review of graduation, we must take it seriously. Let’s talk about some of the practices of reviewing this content of my organization. First, classify concepts and theorems and summarize them. Lines and planes are arranged in the order of lines and lines, lines and planes, planes and planes. When reviewing, I first grasped the concepts of “parallel” and “vertical” and “distribution” the scattered theorems. For example, if the straight line is parallel to the straight line, the following decision theorem can be serialized: 1 If two straight lines are parallel to the third straight line, the two straight lines are parallel to each other; 2 two parallel planes intersect with the third plane, then the two intersect Lines are parallel; 3 two lines that are perpendicular to the same plane are parallel; 4 If a line is parallel to a plane, and a plane that crosses this line intersects the plane, the line is parallel to this line of intersection.
“学愈博而思愈远”。知识面广一点,在教学中方能得心应手,应用自如。当前,不少教师在这方面的体会是愈加深刻,要求也更加迫切了。 最近,和一些中学语文教师谈及这个问题时,
目前,有些地方出现算命、测字、园梦、相面、化神水等封建迷信活动,一些青少年学生因年幼无知,缺乏免疫力,也跟着一些人受骗上当。如某校有五个学生,听 At present, there
本文介绍了10E207J型柴油机机体各间隔焊缝裂损原因及危害,采用整体风压试验可准确地检查出10E207J型柴油机机体裂纹及漏泄处所。 This paper introduces the reason and th
我所研制的12V180ZJ 型柴油机整体薄壁球铁活塞于1987年10月在成都铁路局宜良机务段装车运用后,截止1990年8月17日已完成两个架修期运用考核,共走行282922km,在这期间经受了
党的十一届三中全会以来,随着农村经济政策的深入落实,大连市沿海的广大渔民和农民纷纷靠海致富,出现了生机勃勃的喜人景象。这里发表一组短文,从中可见一斑。 Since the Th