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Let me riddle you a ditty[小曲]  It’s just an itty-bitty[极小的]  Little thing on my mind  About a boy and a girl  Trying to take on the world  One kiss at a time  Now the funny thing about it  Ain’t a sto
我们听说过青少年遇袭的事件,但大多数人都没想过这种事情会发生在自己身上。16岁的美国女孩卡珊德拉以前也是这样想,但某一天,不幸就这样发生了。    My town in Florida is straight out of the movies—smiling people taking strolls[漫步] and little kids riding bikes. So sweet! Eve
听力小提示:这篇新闻简讯难度不高,语速适中,但说话人带有一定口音,练习时需注意。    That clip is from Nico Nico Douga, one of the most popular web video sites in Japan. I’m going to tell you a little bit more about it and why it’s so much f
本文节选自J·K·罗琳在哈佛大学2008年毕业典礼上发表的演讲《失败的额外收益与想象力的重要性》(The Fringe Benefits of Failure, and the Importance of Imagination)。由于篇幅较长,我们将分成两期进行连载,大家不要错过哦!    Looking back at the 21-year-old that I was at graduat
The sun has begun to set and I hang up the smile I’ve worn all day, though I will make sure it is the first thing I put back on in the morning just in case it is “that day.” I want her to see me at my
(美编注意:红字排在正文前面,分开两个框或色块,字体字号上和正文有所区别)    STEP 1 先脱离文字听一遍,归纳这篇报导的大意,然后简要回答以下的问题:研究者如何进行实验?结果如何?原因何在?    STEP 2 现在重读一遍,对照文字检查刚刚的归纳是否正确。    It can be tough to keep up with dietary[饮食的] trends. Like eatin
He’d always been a meek[温顺的] man. A quiet man. A timid[胆小的] man.   Numbers were his life. They were constant[不变的]. Predictable[可预言的]. They always summed[总计] the same. There were no surprises in number
By the time I enter Omar’s shop, I have already forgotten what I wanted to buy. If one of my neighbors asked me why I go so often to Omar’s, I wouldn’t know what to answer.  Omar’s groceries are just
你想成为科学家吗?你是否觉得科学遥不可及,或者科学家都是天才?为了解答这些看似深奥的问题,我们请到了英国著名物理学家布莱恩·考克斯教授。他曾为英国广播公司和科学频道共同制作的节目《太阳系的  奇迹》担任主持。他将告诉我们科学非但不可怕,而且还很有趣呢!    1. Science is about asking interesting questions...  The key point is
聪明的巴特比被所有大学拒收了,面对父母的压力,他冒出了假借哈蒙学院的名义伪造录取通知书的念头。他原本打算和几个境遇相当的朋友一起逍遥快活,谁知假学校的网站吸引了无数被其他大学拒之门外的年轻人。几个“创始人”无奈之下只好一步步地摸索,让南哈蒙慢慢走出一条特殊的办学之道……  这部曾在CE: Teens 2006年9月号的“娱乐直播室”简单介绍过的校园喜剧给Wendy留下了很深的印象。时隔五年回头重温