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  STEP 1 先脱离文字听一遍,归纳这篇报导的大意,然后简要回答以下的问题:研究者如何进行实验?结果如何?原因何在?
  STEP 2 现在重读一遍,对照文字检查刚刚的归纳是否正确。
  It can be tough to keep up with dietary[饮食的] trends. Like eating eggs: good for you or bad? But one thing is certain—taking a multivitamin is a healthy choice. Isn’t it? Not necessarily. Because researchers have found that people who take dietary supplements[补充] may make less healthful choices. The work appears in the journal Psychological Science.
  Half the population uses some sort of dietary supplement, and that figure is on the rise. Yet we don’t seem to be getting any healthier. So researchers took a closer look at how people who pop[服用] health pills actually behave. One group of volunteers was asked to take a dietary supplement; the other group was told they were getting a placebo[安慰剂]. In fact, both groups received dummy[仿制品] pills. But it turns out that subjects who thought they’d taken a supplement made less healthy choices, opting for the buffet[自助餐] instead of an organic[有机的] meal, and walking less than their supplement-deprived[剥夺的] pals.
  It could be that folks who supplement feel like they’ve already done their duty when it comes to their health, so they’re more likely to indulge[放任], which suggests that these pills might not make us healthy, and certainly don’t make us smart.
   维生素A:多存在于鱼肝油、动物肝脏、绿色蔬菜
   B族维生素:多存在于酵母、谷物、肝脏、大豆、肉类、蛋类
   维生素C:多存在于新鲜蔬菜、水果
   维生素D:唯一一种人体可以少量合成的维生素,多存在于鱼肝油、蛋黄、乳制品、酵母
   维生素E:多存在于鸡蛋、肝脏、鱼类、植物油
   维生素K:多存在于菠菜、苜蓿、白菜、肝脏
I turn the music up  I got my records on  I shut the world outside  Until the lights come on  Maybe the streets alight[点亮的]  Maybe the trees are gone  I feel my heart start beating  To my favorite son
Like everyone else in my graduating class, I had watched the economy turn from bad to worse during my senior year. We graduates had degrees, but very limited prospects[前景]. I packed up my car and drov
I can’t look at the rocket launch  The trophy[奖品] wives of the astronauts  And I won’t listen to their words  ’Cause I like  Birds    I don’t care for walking downtown[市中心]  Crazy auto car gonna mow m
Let me riddle you a ditty[小曲]  It’s just an itty-bitty[极小的]  Little thing on my mind  About a boy and a girl  Trying to take on the world  One kiss at a time  Now the funny thing about it  Ain’t a sto
我们听说过青少年遇袭的事件,但大多数人都没想过这种事情会发生在自己身上。16岁的美国女孩卡珊德拉以前也是这样想,但某一天,不幸就这样发生了。    My town in Florida is straight out of the movies—smiling people taking strolls[漫步] and little kids riding bikes. So sweet! Eve
听力小提示:这篇新闻简讯难度不高,语速适中,但说话人带有一定口音,练习时需注意。    That clip is from Nico Nico Douga, one of the most popular web video sites in Japan. I’m going to tell you a little bit more about it and why it’s so much f
本文节选自J·K·罗琳在哈佛大学2008年毕业典礼上发表的演讲《失败的额外收益与想象力的重要性》(The Fringe Benefits of Failure, and the Importance of Imagination)。由于篇幅较长,我们将分成两期进行连载,大家不要错过哦!    Looking back at the 21-year-old that I was at graduat
The sun has begun to set and I hang up the smile I’ve worn all day, though I will make sure it is the first thing I put back on in the morning just in case it is “that day.” I want her to see me at my