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一、当前国际产业结构重组的格局和趋势世界经济发展不平衡和世界技术结构不平衡,推动了国际产业结构不断调整和重组。进入八十年代以来,世界性的新技术革命蓬勃兴起,新兴高技术产业首先在西方发达国家形成和发展,不仅加快了西方国家经济和产业结构调整的步伐,也成为新的一轮国际产业结构重组的主要动因。当前,与产业结构变动直接相关的技术大周期正处于上升阶段,国际产业结构重组的过程还在继续,它对于世界各国产业发展的方向和水平、整个国际分工和国际贸易格局产生了巨大影响。 I. The current pattern and trend of international industrial restructuring The imbalance in world economic development and the imbalance in the world’s technological structure have contributed to the constant adjustment and restructuring of the international industrial structure. Since the 1980s, the world-wide new technology revolution has prospered and emerging high-tech industries have first formed and developed in Western developed countries. This has not only accelerated the pace of economic and industrial restructuring in Western countries, but also has become a new round of international industrial structure. The main cause of restructuring. At present, the major technological cycles directly related to the changes in the industrial structure are at an ascending stage. The process of reorganization of the international industrial structure continues. It has a tremendous impact on the direction and level of industrial development in the countries of the world, the international division of labor, and the international trade pattern.
我国摩托车行业已经从当初的仿制阶段到了现在的自主创新阶段,马上还要进入全球化阶段。以前依靠资源来提高自身竞争力的阶段正在成为过去,将 China’s motorcycle industry
原文:If digital eash becomes so easy to use,people would stop using the green stuff.译文:要是数字货币变得如此容易用,人们会停止使用那个绿色的玩意。辨误:“那个绿
《2006年全国硕士研究生入学统一考试英语考试大纲(非英语专业)》在2005年大纲增加了选择搭配题的基础上,又在阅读理解 Part B 中增加了三种备选题型,即:Sample Two 一段落
实际情况是,无论在美国还是世界其他国家,人们的睡眠时间比起10年前要少。事实上, 这种趋势变得越来越严重。众所周知,睡眠不足会分散我们的注意力,性格会因此而变得暴躁,不