
来源 :人民音乐 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lywy0201
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被列入首批国家级非遗项目的聊斋俚曲(简称俚曲)是清代初期由蒲松龄创立的一种新型艺术形式,它取明清俗曲作曲牌,用白话及鲁中方言俚语作载体,承诸宫调、鼓子词的唱白相间、散韵交织的文体及套数结构来讲唱故事,充分表达了人们愤世嫉俗、惩恶劝善的仁德精神。俚曲是明清俗曲的活化石,它是一种创新型的文化形态,它在汲取俗曲及前代艺术巨大成果的基础上,又使其沿着说唱化、戏曲化的道路前进,积累了丰富经验。因此可以说,聊斋俚曲在明清俗曲及说唱、戏曲艺术的发展史上具有承前启后的重要意义。三百年来,俚曲一直受到人们的喜爱,传唱不断。但由于历史 Liaozhai folk song (referred to as “folk song”), which was included in the first national non-heritage items, is a new art form founded by Pu Songling in the early Qing Dynasty. It takes the songwriting composition of the Ming Dynasty popular songs, with vernacular and Luzhong dialect slang Carrier, bearing the palace tone, singing drums white and white, scattered rhyme and intertwined style and structure of the number of songs to sing the story, fully expressing the cynicism of people, punish evil to persuade goodwill spirit of virtue. It is an innovative form of culture. Based on the great achievements of the vulgar song and the previous generation art, the folk song has made its way along the path of rap and drama, and has accumulated rich experience. Therefore, it can be said that the Liaozhai folk song has an important bearing on the history of rap and rap in the Ming and Qing Dynasties. For three hundred years, the folk song has always been loved and sung constantly. But because of history
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