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根据《统计法》第四条的规定,我国实行统一领导。分级负责的统计管理体制,建立了有政府由综合统计系统和部门统计系统组成的集中统一的政府统计系统。其中,政府综合统计系统由国家统计局和地方各级人民政府统计机构组成;国家统计局还在全国各省(区、市)和部分市、县,建立了城市、农村社会经济调查队和企业调查队,总编制1.99余万人,实行垂直领导,统一管理。部门统计系统,包括国务院和地方各级人民政府的各部门根据统计任务需要设立的统计机构,或在有关机构设置统计人员。现行的“统一领导,分级负责”的统计管理体制主要由以下三个方面组成: 1、业务管理和协调方面。国家统计局依法负责 According to the provisions of Article 4 of the “Statistics Law,” China exercises unified leadership. In charge of the statistical management system, the government has set up a centralized government statistical system with the government composed of the comprehensive statistical system and the departmental statistical system. Among them, the comprehensive government statistics system consists of the National Bureau of Statistics and local people’s government at all levels of statistical agencies; the National Bureau of Statistics also in the provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities) and some cities and counties, the establishment of urban and rural social and economic investigation teams and business surveys Team, the total system of more than 1.99 million people, the implementation of vertical leadership, unified management. The departmental statistical system, which includes the statistical offices established by the departments under the State Council and the people’s governments at various levels at local levels according to the needs of statistical tasks, or the statisticians in the relevant institutions. The current “unified leadership, grading responsible” statistical management system consists of the following three aspects: 1, business management and coordination. National Bureau of Statistics is responsible according to law
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