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干洗腿:双手紧抱一侧大腿,用力从大腿向下按摩,一直到足踝,然后再从踝部向上按摩至大腿根,用同样的方法按摩另一条腿,重复10~20次。这样可使关节灵活,腿肌与步行能力增强,预防下肢静脉曲张、水肿及肌肉萎缩等。揉腿肚:两手掌夹住腿肚,旋转揉动,每侧揉20~30次为一节,每次做5~6节。此法能疏通血脉,增强腿部力 Dry-cleaning legs: hands hug one side of the thigh, forced down from the thigh massage until the ankle, and then massage up from the ankle to the thigh, the same method of massage the other leg, repeat 10 to 20 times. This allows the joints flexible, enhanced leg and walking capabilities to prevent varicose veins, edema and muscle atrophy. Knead the calf: clasped between the two hands clasped, rotating rub, moving each side of kneading 20 to 30 times as a section, each time to do 5 to 6 sections. This method can clear the blood, increase leg strength
板栗 ( Castanea mollissima Blume)是我国传统的名特优经济树种。近几年来板栗生产迅速发展 ,板栗栽培面积不断增加 ,板栗生产向产业化发展。栗园也从野生栗自然分布 ,树体
198 9年至 1996年间 ,台山红岭种子园从美国、澳大利亚、津巴布韦引入湿地松基因资源种子共 4 0 7份 ,包括有 6个种源、2 13个全同胞家系和 188个半同胞家系。利用其中 370份
Both necessary and sufficient maximum principles for optimal control of stochastic system with random jumps consisting of forward and backward state variables a
通过连续 2 a的系统研究 ,筛选出对松墨天牛引诱活性最强的 M99-1引诱剂 ,其主要成分为单萜烯、乙醛、丙酮和有机溶剂。在松墨天牛成虫期 ,每个诱捕器可诱捕 151.5头天牛成虫
The authors analyze a finite horizon, single product, period review model in which pricing and inventory decisions are made simultaneously. Demands in different
采集厚朴 5年生种源试验林共 13个种源 39个树皮样品 ,用高效液相色谱分析法 (HPL C)测定厚朴酚、和厚朴酚的含量。结果表明 :厚朴酚、和厚朴酚、厚朴酚类总量、厚朴酚 /和厚
This highly interdisciplinary research paper discusses some new insights into the funda-mental properties of information-rich social networks. It mainly focuses