Seismic Behavor of RC Beam-Column Joint with Additional Bars under Cyclic Loading

来源 :结构工程师 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:JockWang
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The behavior of Beam-Column Joints in moment resisting frame structures are susceptible to damage caused by seismic effects due to poor performance of the joint.A good number of researches were carried out to understand the complex mechanism of RC joints which are considered in seismic design code practices presently adopted.The traditional construction detailing of transverse reinforcement have shown serious joint failure. This paper introduces a new design philosophy involving the use of additional diagonal bars within the joint particularly suitable for low to medium seismic effects in earthquake zones throughout the world.In lieu to this study,ten(10) full-scale interior beam-column specimens were constructed with various additional reinforcement details and configurations as will be discussed in the later.The experiment provided adequate results to proof the idea of additional bars as suitable approach in reinforced concrete structures where earthquake is eminent.While compared with overall cracking observation during the test,the specimen with additional bars (diagonal and straight) had shown few cracks on the column than the ones without.Furthermore,concrete confinement is certainly an important design method as recommended by certain international codes. The behavior of Beam-Column Joints in moment resisting frame structures are susceptible to damage caused by seismic effects due to poor performance of the joint. A good number of researches were carried out to understand the complex mechanism of RC joints which are considered in seismic design This paper introduces a new design philosophy involving the use of additional diagonal bars within the joint particularly suitable for low to medium seismic effects in an earthquake zone throughout the world. In lieu to this study, ten (10) full-scale interior beam-column specimens were constructed with various additional reinforcement details and configurations as will be discussed in the later. The experiment provided adequate results to proof the idea of ​​additional bars as suitable approach in reinforced concrete structures where earthquake is eminent.While compared wi th overall cracking observation during the test, the specimen with additional bars (diagonal and straight) had shown few cracks on the column than the ones without. fürthermore, concrete confinement is certainly an important design method as recommended by certain international codes.
<正> 上海爱建制罐厂是一家集体 小厂,主要生产金属制罐包装容 器,现有职工102人。它的前身爱建科教仪器厂,由于管理不善,技术力量不够,生产的电子汽车游戏机质量未过关,造成产品积压,资金周转不灵,建厂半年就亏损1.26万元,职工奖金也发不出,企业处在“山重水复疑无路”的境地。1982年底开始转产,改建成爱建制罐厂。1983年即转亏为盈,创利22.24万元。从此生产逐步扩大,1984年完成产值162.39万元,比1983年增长65%,实现
本文介绍1例我科2016年8月收治的左侧颈静脉球体瘤患者的治疗与护理。颈静脉球体瘤(glomus j u g u l a r e t u m o r e,G J T)也称颈静脉球瘤、化学感受器瘤、非嗜鉻性副神
人生奋斗的根本目的,就是取得成功,获得幸福。然而,对于成功的标准和幸福的含义,不少人从未认真思考过,或者从未想清楚。许多人把财富、地位和名气看作成功的标准和幸福的源泉,可是有谁知道,财富有多少才是多?地位有多高才是高?名气有多大才是大?  美国成功学家卡尔博士认为:成功意味着许多美好积极的事物,其中包括个人的兴隆发达,获得优越的条件;在职场和社交圈中赢得别人的尊崇和赞美,获得更多的自由,免于种种烦