
来源 :世界核心医学期刊文摘(妇产科学分册) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:tanzhiming1985
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To assess the performance and clinical value of the postwash total motile sper m count (postwash TMC) as a test to predict intrauterine insemination (IUI) outc ome. Meta-analysis of diagnostic tests. Tertiary fertility center. Patients und ergoing IUI. We detected 16 studies that reported on postwash TMC at inseminatio n and IUI outcome. Summary receiver operating characteristics (ROC) curves indic ated a reasonable predictive performance toward IUI outcome, and, at cut-off le vels between 0.8 to 5 million motile spermatozoa, the postwash TMC provided a su bstantial discriminative performance. At these cut-off levels, the specificity of the postwash TMC, defined as the ability to predict failure to become pregnan t, was as high as 100%; the sensitivity of the test, defined as the ability to predict pregnancy, was limited. The postwash TMC at insemination could potential ly be used in counseling patients for either IUI or IVF. However, to enable pati ent counseling before the start of treatment, further studies are needed to esta blish the accuracy of a postwash TMC during the fertility workup rather than at insemination. To assess the performance and clinical value of the postwash total motile sper m count (postwash TMC) as a test to predict intrauterine insemination (IUI) outc ome. Meta-analysis of diagnostic tests. 16 studies that reported on postwash TMC at inseminatio n and IUI outcome. Summary receiver operating characteristics (ROC) curves indic ated a reasonable predictive performance toward IUI outcome, and, at cut-off levels between 0.8 to 5 million motile spermatozoa, the postwash TMC provided a su bstantial discriminative performance. At these cut-off levels, the specificity of the postwash TMC, defined as the ability to predict failure to become pregnan t, was as high as 100%; the sensitivity of the test, defined as the ability to predict pregnancy, was limited. The postwash TMC at insemination could potential ly be used in counseling patients for either IUI or IVF. However, to enable pati ent counseling before the start of t reatment, further studies are needed to esta blish the accuracy of a postwash TMC during the fertility workup rather than at insemination.
Adiponectin is an adipocyte-specific protein that has been found to be associ ated with insulin sensitivity and obesity. Because gestational diabetes mellitus i
本文通过对临沧县城和几个村落一些有典型意义的古老房屋保存着的各种传统文化现象和散存在寺庙、民间的若干文物进行调查和分类记述 ,希冀唤起人们对优秀地域与民族文化关注
前言 笔者从工程学角度讨论了商业航空机舱内空气质量和人为因素的控制系统(ECS)。自使用活塞发动机和3人为一机组的时代以来,商业班机的环境控制系统已经发展为高度集成化
患者 27岁,孕2产0,孕22周时,因B超提示胎儿双下肢发育不良到我院行产前检查.复查B超:胎儿双顶径及头围为该孕周正常下限,胸围、腹围均小于第40百分位,膝关节僵直,胎动后未见明显改变,双手掌显示不清,诊断为不对称宫内发育迟缓(intrauterine growth retardation,IUGR)伴四肢畸形.实验室检查:羊水染色体核型为69,XXX(图1)。