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秋收季节已到,一般地区秋苗旺盛,广大农民舆严重的灾荒不断搏斗,辛勤劳动的成果,即将收获。同时秋耕秋种亦须抓紧准备,适时进行,这是农业生产一年中最繁忙的季节。加以今年秋冬工作任务又甚复杂繁重,为保障农民劳动果实,继续克服灾荒,为明年的大生产打下有利基础,并为秋后完成与结束土地改革准备条件,我各级人民政府必须确切掌握领导农民及时完成秋收秋种,并确保帮助烈属军属收好种好。为此特作如下指示:(一)秋收秋种工作的主要要求:在秋收方面:第一,要动员组缴群众继续加强防汛,巩固河防,防止水灾,捕灭虫害,以保护秋禾,并抓紧时间,及时收割。受水灾威胁地区,应以战胜水灾为压县一切的中心工作,已受水灾地区要大力排水抢收、抢种,不丢秋粮,不误种麦。第二,要继续贯澈有灾救灾无灾备 Autumn harvest season has come, the strong autumn area in general, the majority of peasants continue to fight the severe famine, the hard work of the outcome is about to harvest. In the meantime, we need to pay close attention to the autumn planting of autumn species, which is the busiest season of agricultural production in a year. To carry out this year’s autumn and winter tasks is extremely complicated and heavy. To safeguard the peasants’ labor, continue to overcome the famine, lay a favorable foundation for next year’s large-scale production and prepare conditions for completing and ending the land reform after the fall, the people’s government at all levels must have the exact leadership Farmers complete autumn harvest autumn species, and to ensure that the help of the subordinate army is good. The following special instructions are hereby made: (I) Major Requirements for Autumn Harvest Autumn Work: In autumn harvest, first, we should mobilize and organize the masses to continue strengthening flood control, consolidate river protection, prevent floods and catch pests to protect autumn grasses and Seize the time, timely harvest. Areas threatened by floods should work to defeat floods as the center of all the counties. Flood-stricken areas have to vigorously drain, grab and sewer crops without falling grain, and not mistaking for wheat. Second, we must continue disaster prevention and disaster relief
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