DCT变换被广泛采用在图象和视频压缩标准中(如JPEG,MPEG,H 261 H 263) 而对于这些压缩图象的处理,传统的手段是先解压到空间域,再进行处理和识别,因而增加了计算复杂性。针对这个问题,运用压缩域上图像处理技术,提出了人脸特征表达的方法,并构造DCT域上人脸识别系统。在人脸标准库FERET上的测试,提出的算法与经典的特征脸法和PCA+LDA法相比较,不仅提高了精度,而且降低了计算复杂
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Field experimental seismic sounding permitted us to obtain optimal shallow seismic reflection sounding parameters. In process of data processing, we obtained a high-qualitative shallow seismic reflec
According to the critical point hypothesis (CPH), energy release would accelerate in power law before occurrence of large earthquakes or failure of brittle materials. In the paper, CPH was studied by
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Fingerprint image is a typical non-restraint image that has some uncertainty, which makes it difficult to perform identification using classical approach. Therefore, fuzzy pattern recognition is appli