
来源 :中学时代 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:bccom
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栗子正在座位上发呆,这时讲台上的孟兰老师把视线移到了她的身上,眼里闪过一丝疑惑,然后清了清嗓子说:“那边那个围围巾的女同学,请你把围巾摘下来!”临时坐在栗子旁边的叶小米看她正在神游,赶紧扯了扯她:“老师喊你呢。”栗子这才回过神来,有些局促地慌忙站起来,凳子不情愿地发出一声怪响。“老师……那个,我没听清楚……”栗子含糊其辞。 Chestnut was in a daze on the seat. At this time, Teacher Meng Lan moved his gaze to her. There was a glimmer of confusion in her eyes. Then she cleared her throat and said, “The female student in the scarf around you, please. Scarf is taken off!”The leaf millet sitting beside the chestnuts temporarily sees she is swimming and pulling her quickly:“The teacher called you.” The chestnuts have recovered, and some crampedly hurried to stand up. Stool Reluctantly made a strange noise. “Teacher... that, I didn’t hear clearly...” The chestnut was vague.
2010年3月11日,河南省巩义市人民法院一审的张某触电死亡一案,终审维持原判。张某,女,巩义市大峪沟镇农民。2008年7 March 11, 2010, Gongyi City, Henan Province People’
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