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随着近年来宣传思想文化工作进入一个新时期,文化体制改革的新思路、新举措也在不断涌现和深化。由于传统报纸在新媒体的冲击和受众阅读习惯改变的影响下,单一经济来源的广告收入出现断崖式、塌方式下滑,报纸、报社处在生死存亡的关头,倒逼报业在新形势下必须转型发展,走新老媒体融合发展之路和全媒体建设之路。在此过程中,作为报业建设一个重要组成部分的工会工作,应该认清形势、找准位置、突出特点,发挥独特作用,助力报业改革与转型发展。根据我多年直接或间接地从事报业基 With the promotion of ideological and cultural work in a new era in recent years, new ideas and new measures in the reform of the cultural system are constantly emerging and deepening. Due to the impact of the new media and the change in reading habits of the audience, the advertising revenue of a single source of economy appears to be steeply sloping and collapsing, and the newspaper and newspaper office are at the critical juncture of life and death, thus forcing the newspaper industry to be transformed under the new circumstances Development, take the integration of new and old media development and all-media road. In this process, the work of trade unions, an important part of the newspaper industry, should recognize the situation, identify its position, highlight its characteristics, and play a unique role in helping press reform and transformation. According to my many years directly or indirectly engaged in newspaper base
有次去饭馆吃饭,菜谱上有道菜叫“猛龙过海”, 觉得很新鲜,于是点了一道,结果盘子端上来一看:一碗清汤,上面漂着一棵葱……我在公司楼下的饭店点过一道菜:“母子相会”, 上来
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手中的 《 2003—2007年教育振兴行动计划》,给人一种沉甸甸的感觉。一气读完,在对于未来五年国家教育发展思路有一个清晰认识的同时,更多的是由此生发的思索。 不同的人从
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