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明末清初,宁化泉上有这么一个隐士,他在自家客厅的桌上放了一杯清水,一盏油灯,客人来到后,要是懂得把杯里的清水倒在地上,把油灯点燃,就会备受主人的欢迎。这两个动作含了一个哑谜,正是:反清复明。这个隐士就是李世熊。 In the late Ming Dynasty and early Qing Dynasty, Ninghua Spring had such a hermit. He put a glass of water and an oil lamp on the table in his living room. After the guests arrived, if he knew how to pour the clear water from the glass onto the ground and ignited the oil lamp, Will be greatly welcomed by the owner. These two actions contain a riddle, it is: anti-Ching Ming. This hermit is Li Shixiong.