富甲天下 文教昌盛 人文荟萃——谈吴学研究与促进现代化经济建设的关系

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无锡是吴地的中心地带,也是吴文化的发祥之地。当年泰伯、仲雍从今陕西渭水流域南来,即在我邑梅里故墟定居,结合当地土著居民,开创勾吴,不仅发展成为春秋时期强大的吴国,并且使吴地蔚然而成我国东南沿海地区的政治、经济、文化中心。自此以后,随着历史的发展,吴地终于从先秦时期落后于中原的地位,一跃而起,到唐宋以后,崭露头角;明清以还,富甲天下。当前,我们这里又是全国经济繁荣发达的地区,蓬勃发展的乡镇工业,引起了全国的高度瞩目。在这一个历史演变过程中,蕴藏了许多深刻的内涵和规律,令人深思。研究吴地文化的演变和发展,揭开吴地从落后到富甲天下的历史之谜,对促进现代化经济建设,看来不仅具有深刻的学术意 Wuxi is the center of Wu land, but also the birthplace of Wu culture. In those days, Taibo and Zhongyong traveled south of the Weishui River basin in Shaanxi Province. They settled in the Meixi ruins of our town, combined with the local indigenous people and created Gou Wu. They not only developed into a powerful Wu Kingdom during the Spring and Autumn Period, but also made Ulan became a country Southeast coast of the political, economic and cultural center. Since then, with the development of history, Wu finally lagged behind the status of Central Plains from the Pre-Qin period and jumped up to the start after the Tang and Song dynasties; At present, here again, we are one of the most prosperous areas in the country. The booming township industry has aroused the high attention of the entire country. In this historical evolution, there are many profound connotations and laws that are thought-provoking. It is not only profound academic significance to study the evolution and development of Wu culture and to reveal the mystery of the history of Wu land from backwardness to wealthyness and to promote the economic construction of modernization.
炎热的夏天,人们渴望不时有清风徐徐吹来,然而,大自然却不能尽如人愿。要风凉,用扇子最方便。特别是那种经济耐用、携带方便、工艺精美的折扇,更加受人喜爱。 谈起折扇,最早
FOREIGN commodities have flowed into China since the country opened its doors to the outside world. China is an expansive territory with a huge population offe
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