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含苞待放的女孩有很多普遍的天然特质。养育女孩有养育女孩的智慧和技巧,本期我们先从父母培养女孩的人际交往能力谈起。女孩就像是一朵花。养育女孩需要花更多的心思。时代在改变,人们对女孩的态度与期望也与以往不同。在这个女权高彰的时代里,养育女孩的挑战,是大异于从前的,也更需要智慧。不论是多么顽皮、外向,男性化的女孩,她的情绪与思维,都需要父母用心去体会,去了解。当我们平心静气地面对男孩女孩的不同天性时,我们不得不承认男女有别,而且男女需求大不相同。女孩从小就对人际关系特别关注。在一份研究幼儿行为的报告中,哈佛大学教授R.B.Thompson发现,三四岁的小女孩们喜欢在一块儿玩扮家家,她们的任何游戏都模拟成人世界的沟通方式,有许多成熟的对话。反观同龄的男孩,他们则拿起汽车、飞机,发出各种撞击的声音。Thompson在另一个研究中,又发现女孩们更喜欢求助于成人。这都反映出人际关系对女孩的重要性。我想从与人相处这方面,来谈谈父母如何培养女儿,帮助她将来成长为一个成熟优雅的淑女。 Girls with buds have many common natural qualities. Foster girls have the wisdom and skills of nourishing girls, this issue we start with the ability of parents to develop girls’ interpersonal skills. The girl is like a flower. Raising girls need to spend more time thinking. Times are changing, people’s attitudes and expectations of girls are different from the past. In this age of feminist recognition, the challenge of raising girls is a far cry from the past and the need for wisdom. No matter how naughty, outgoing, masculine girls, her emotions and thinking, parents need to understand, to understand. As we calmly confront the different nature of boys and girls, we have to recognize that men and women are different and that men and women have very different needs. Girls from childhood on special attention to personal relationships. In a report on child behavior, RB Thompson, a professor at Harvard University, found that three- or four-year-old girls love to play house together and that any of their games mimic adult-world communication and have many mature conversations . When looking at the boys of the same age, they picked up the cars and planes and made various kinds of crashes. In another study, Thompson found that girls also prefer recourse to adults. This reflects the importance of relationships for girls. I want to get along with people in this area, to talk about how parents cultivate their daughter to help her grow into a mature and elegant lady.
所有的父母都希望自己的孩子学习好。但是学习好有无奥秘呢?如果有,这个奥秘又是什么?我们不妨听听儿童思维训练专家李培美的看法。 All parents want their children to le
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