作文快乐登山行(四) 用语言录像

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许多高年级的同学都爱说这样一句话:“写人太难了。”老师也常在评讲作文时说:“你们笔下的人是'死'的。” 用什么评定作文中的人是“死” 还是“活”? 每个人都有自己的特点,这些特点,从他的外貌、穿戴、言谈、举止、神情、心理活动……表现出来。如果写张三的文章,改个姓名就可变成写李二的,那就说明你没抓住张三的特点。语言,就是人物特点表现的重点之一。在现实生活中,当人与人发生联系和交往时,总会有语言的交流,这就形成了文章中角色的语言。角色的说话,不是空洞的声音, Many high school students love to say such a sentence: “The writer is too hard. ” The teacher also often commented on the composition, saying: “The people you write are 'dead'.” Are people in the world “dead” or “living”? Everyone has their own characteristics, these characteristics, from his appearance, wear, talk, demeanor, look, mental activity ... demonstrated. If you write Zhang San's article, change a name can become written Li Er, then you did not capture the characteristics of Zhang San. Language is one of the focuses of characterization. In real life, when people contact and interact with each other, there is always a language exchange, which forms the language of the role in the article. The role of talking, not a hollow voice,
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