推进经济结构调整 提高企业竞争能力──山西省实施“361”工业调产计划综述

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Based on Shanxi’s overall economy, the provincial Party committee and government, in the process of economic structure reorientation, decided to make the industrial structure adjustment as a fulcrum to maintain the provincial economic development tempo as well as a starter to trigger its strategic tune-up. And they had meticulously drafted “Shanxi’s ‘361’Industrial Adjustment Plan for 2000”.“361”stands for respectively supporting 36 key industrial restructure projects; financing by the provincial government 600 million yuan as stock with discount interest; and bringing along 10 billion credit from banks and social fund. By concentrating upon key product-mix adjustment and flagship industrial projects in particular, they had driven the procedure of the industrial restructure of the whole province.The Plan focuses upon one growth (cultivating a newly economic growth point) and three excellences (supporting excellent industrial sectors, excellent products and excellent businesses) while giving top priority to ten categories of outstanding products including stainless steel, electrolytic aluminum, high-tech machinery and electric appliances, fine chemical products, special textile products, biotech products and new pharmaceuticals, high quality magnetic materials, high-density chemical fertilizer, downstream coal products and superfine powders. The flagship industrial projects consist of 500,000-ton stainless steel, 400,000-ton electrolytic aluminum, 800,000-ton high-density chemical fertilizer (including 300,000-ton big-granulized urea), 20-million-ton furnace coke (with 7-million-ton newly added), 25,000-ton 1,4-butylene-glycol, 100,000 pairs of speed-increasing rail wheels and shafts, 5,000-ton high-efficiency magnetic material and 55,000-ton “green”liquid detergents. Based on Shanxi’s overall economy, the provincial Party committee and government, in the process of economic structure reorientation, decided to make the industrial structure adjustment as a fulcrum to maintain the provincial economic development tempo as well as a starter to trigger its strategic tune-up . And they had meticulously drafted “Shanxi’s ’361’Industrial Adjustment Plan for 2000”. “361”stands for corresponding supporting 36 key industrial restructure projects; financing by the provincial government 600 million yuan as stock with discount interest; and bringing along 10 billion. Credit from banks and social fund. By concentrating upon key product-mix adjustment and flagship industrial projects in particular, they had driven the procedure of the industrial restructure of the whole province.The Plan focuses upon one growth (cultivating a newly economic growth point) And three excellences (supporting excellent industrial sectors, excellent products and excellent bus Inesses) while giving top priority to ten categories of outstanding products including stainless steel, electrolytic aluminum, high-tech machinery and electric appliances, fine chemical products, special textile products, biotech products and new pharmaceuticals, high quality magnetic materials, high-density chemical The flagship industrial projects consist of 500,000-ton stainless steel, 400,000-ton electrolytic aluminum, 800,000-ton high-density chemical fertilizer (including 300,000-ton big-granulized urea), 20-million- Ton furnace coke (with 7-million-ton newly added), 25,000-ton 1,4-butylene-glycol, 100,000 pairs of speed-increasing rail wheels and shafts, 5,000-ton high-efficiency magnetic material and 55,000-ton "green Liquid detergents.
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