
来源 :外语学法教法研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ericxinstar
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   I am seventeen.
   She is sixteen.
   There is a desk in the room.
  There are no chairs in it.
   John gets up at six o'clock every morning.
  The woman with a baby in her arms was waiting in the rain.
   They have not come yet.
   Nobody knows who is going to win in the competition.
   What is the latest news about the Olympic Games?
   Wang Gang and Zhang Hua were here a moment ago.
   My brother and I have both seen the film.
   Both rice and wheat are grown in this part of China.
  The teacher and writer is from America.
   2)当and连接若干个被no, each, every,many a修饰的单数名词作主语时,谓语动词用单数。
   No worker and no boss is allowed to enter the lab.
   Many a student is not in the classroom.
   三、集体名词group, class, family, army, enemy等作主语时,如果视为整体,谓语动词就用单数;如果视为一个个的个体,就用复数。
   My family is a large one.
   The family are sitting at the breakfast table.(指家庭成员)
   Our group are reading the newspaper.(指组内成员)
   This group is having a meeting.
   The army is going to remain in this town.
  The army have rescued the travelers.(指部队中的官兵)
   但是people, police, cattle等词作主语时,因为它们本身即为复数名词,所以谓语动词用复数。(参见十一)
   The police are still waiting in the storm.
   The cattle were shipped to England.
   四、不定代词anyone,anybody,anything,everyone,everybody,everything, someone,somebody,something,no one,nobody,nothing,each,the other等作主语时,谓语动词用单数。
   Is anybody going to tell him the news?
   There is nobody in the house.
   Everything is ready.
  Someone wants to see you.
   We each have a book.
   In our country, every boy and every girl has right to receive education at school.
  3)no和many a, more than one修饰单数名词时,概念上是复数,但是中心词为单数,所以谓语动词仍然用单数。
   No teacher and no student is going.
  Many a man has tried it before.
  Each student has a new book.
   None of them has arrived yet at the settlement. 他们没有一个到达新住宅区。
   None of them have arrived yet. 他们都还没有到。
   Neither of them knows the answer. 他们俩谁都不知道答案。
   Neither of them know the answer. 他们俩都不知道答案。
   六、当一个句子有两个主语,而它们又是由either…or, neither…nor或not only…but also, not…but,或or连接时,或由there, here引起的句子,其主语不止一个时,谓语动词通常和邻近的主语一致。
   Either Ann or Jane is from New Zealand.
   There is a lamp, two books and three pens on the desk.
   Here are some envelopes and paper for you.
   Neither he nor I have finished the experiment.
   Has neither he nor I finished the experiment?
   Two and ten is twelve.
   Two and three make(s) five.
   Ten thousand dollars is a lot of money.
   Ten years is a long time.
   One hundred dollars are not so easy to be earned.
   To smoke/Smoking is a bad habit.
   What he said is quite right.
  The young are usually very active.
   The old are gone.
   The good in him is greater than the bad.
  The young of the two was left at home.
   十、主语是单数,尽管后面有together, together with, like, but, except, besides, as well as, rather than, including等介词(作状语),谓语动词仍用单数。
   Nobody but some students was here.
   My brother together with Mike and Jim is gone.
   Physics/Maths is difficult/interesting to learn.
   His first works was published in 1937.
   The United States is one of the largest countries in the world.
   This news is the latest.
   但是有些名词,如police, people, public, cattle, young等虽然其形式上是单数,而概念上却表示复数,所以谓语动词用复数。(例句见三)
   十二、who, what, which, all, some, any, the rest等代词是单数还是复数,由其意思而定。
  The rest of the task is rather difficult.
  The rest of people are still alive.
   十三、one and a half 作定语时,后面的名词用复数,而谓语动词用单数。
   One and a half years has passed.
   十四、某些单、复数相同的名词,如sheep, deer, steel, means, works等,其谓语动词的单复数形式应根据其意思而定。
   Every means has been tried to stop it.
   十五、pair of, kind of, type of, form of, glass of, box of等表示数量的名词短语修饰主语时,谓语动词要与pair等词的形式一致。
   There is a pair of shoes left.
   Three boxes of apples have been sold.
   十六、trousers, shoes, socks, compasses,glasses, scissors, goods等复数形式的名词作主语时,谓语动词用复数;换成代词时代词也要用相应的复数形式;但若被this/that或a pair 等修饰时谓语动词用单数。
   Glasses are worn on the nose.
   A pair of glasses is worn on the nose.
   十七、some, any, none, all, most, more等不定代词,two thirds, the rest, a part, half等作主语时,谓语动词可用单数也可用复数。
   All were silent. 大家一言不发。
   All was silent. 万籁俱寂。
   十八、Chinese, French, English Japanese等名词作主语表示语言时,谓语动词用单数;表示人民时则用复数。
   English is spoken in many countries.
  The Chinese are brave and hardworking people.
   十九、both, all, few, several, many等修饰可数名词的复数形式作主语时,谓语动词用复数。
  Many boys are fond of football.
   All his friends have come.
   Two thirds of the workers are from Japan.
  90% of the homework has been finished.
  One third of the apple has gone bad. (一个苹果)
  One third of the apples have gone bad.(一堆苹果)
   二十一、the rest/part/half/most/all of+可数名词复数作主语, 谓语动词用复数;若加不可数名词作主语,谓语动词用单数。
  The rest of the pears have been sent to Mr Green.
  The rest of the housework is usually done by me.
   二十二、a number of+可数名词复数作主语, 谓语动词用复数; the number of+可数名词复数作主语, 谓语动词用单数。
  A number of books have been sold in this bookshop.
   The number of the book is too large.
   There is a teacher and some students in the classroom.
   Here are two men smoking.
   2.a+单数名词+or two作主语,谓语动词用单数。
   A day or two has passed.
   3.one of+代词/名词作主语,谓语动词用单数。
  One of us was too tired to walk any further.
   4.当先行词为one of+可数名词复数形式时,其后的定语从句中的谓语动词用复数;当先行词为the only/the very+one of+可数名词复数形式时,其后的定语从句中的谓语动词用单数。
   She is one of the girls who have passed the exam.
   She is the only one of the girls who has passed the exam.
   5.在It is+被强调部分+that/who…的强调结构中,从句的谓语动词与被强调词保持一致。
   It is I who am to go instead of them.
   I, not you, am the right person.
   His brother is a good doctor.
   His parents are both teachers.
   Tomatoes are a vegetable.
   The Chinese are a friendly people.
   Our guide was the stars.
   In front of the girl are some flowers.
   本句子可认为在girl后省略了there,即:In front of the girl there are some flowers.
   或本句子还可认为是个倒装句,即:Some flowers are in front of the girl.
一、发展听、说技能必须以巩固、扩大学生的基础知识为前提  初中英语新大纲指出,英语教学“要努力使基础知识转化为言语技能”。反过来,要发展以听说为先的言语技能,就必须巩固、扩大学生的基础知识,以不断产生新的“转化”。这是因为我国学生不具备自然习得目标语的语言环境,“转化”的主渠道只能来自不断巩固,扩大的基础知识。  系统的语言基础知识体现了语言结构形式的变化规律。随着学生初中学习的不断深化,仅靠随机
传统的英语教育模式多采用“语法——翻译法”。其主要课堂教学活动包括:对整篇课文大意的译述,把课文逐句从外语译成母语,对课文中语法规则作演绎式的讲解以及直接阅读课文以加深对内容的理解等。从总体来看,逐句翻译和语法讲解时“语法——翻译法”课堂教学的中心活动,它占去课堂活动的大部分时间。这种教学方法的采用,使得课堂气氛较为沉闷,英语基础差的学生学习的热情不够,积极性不高。  在英语课堂教学中,如果教学形
摘要:考生必须认真掌握听力考试中的应试技巧,方能取胜听力、取胜英语、取胜高考。  关键词:听力 英语 高中     自从高考英语加试听力以来,听力试题做得成功与否直接关系到考生的英语成绩。  一、听力的具体特点  1. 语体、语音特点  作为语言运用能力的重要组成部分,高考英语听力以考查口头语言的理解为主要目的,要求考生能够听懂日常生活中的简短对话或独白。在语体方面,听力试题属于口语,它的结构不像
[摘要]我们的教育对象学生及其家长,对英语的重视程度还不够,势单力薄的英语教师群体要想提高自己的教学质量,需要做大量艰难的工作。我认为最应该抓的就是课堂教学,课堂教学是我们英语教学的主战场。   [关键词]小学英语 课堂 备课 动静结合 氛围    就目前现状来看,小学英语并没有与语文、数学放在同等重要的位置,尤其是我们的教育对象学生及其家长,对英语的重视程度还不够。势单力薄的英语教师群体要想提高
摘要:中等职业学校英语教师如何加强英语课堂教学方法创新,造就出真正具有初步运用英语进行真实交际的中等职业技术人才,在课堂教学方法的创新方面,有很大潜力可供挖掘。本文就英语课堂教学中需高度重视的环节进行探讨,在教学方法上加强创新研究,一些课堂教学方法的创新已经在实践中得到了很好的验证。实践已经证明,在教学实践中进行积极有效地灵活运用,能够取得更好的教学效果。  关键词:中职英语 课堂教学 创新研究 
摘要:本文主要讲的是通过高三英语课堂上的一些灵感发挥,激情调动,使学生的学习积极性大增,学习兴趣变浓,老师的创造性引领着同学们主动参与、善于思考、勤于动手的习惯养成,阐述了本人在繁忙的高三教学中,如何创造性地化解同学们的紧张情绪,轻松上阵,提高效率的自主性品质培养,和如何形成良好融洽的师生关系,在宽松、和谐的教学环境获取所学知识。  关键词:提神兴趣 姓名巧编 问题巧设 培养品质    提到高三年
摘要:本文对信息技术与英语教学的整合进行了理论和实践上的分析和探讨。从理论上对信息技术与英语教学整合做出分析,并结合本人实践,谈谈如何实践信息技术与英语课程的整合。最后提出了信息技术与英语教学整合后,对英语教师提出的新要求。  关键词:信息技术 英语教学 信息技术与英语教学的整合    社会生活的信息化和经济的全球化,使英语的重要性日益突出。英语作为最重要的信息载体之一,已成为人类生活各个领域中使
摘要:提高初中学生的阅读理解能力是初中英语教学的目标之一,阅读的过程是对书面信息进行认知构建的心理语言过程,是理解和吸收语言信息的重要途径之一。阅读能力的发展与听、说、写等技能紧密联系。通过阅读能得到必要的语言输入,扩大词汇量,增强语感,提高语言水平,为口语能力的发展打下基础;写作时才能言语地道,内容丰富。  关键词:初中英语 阅读兴趣 训练阅读 教学方法    阅读材料为阅读者提供了丰富语言背景
摘 要:21世纪,国际、国内激烈竞争对人才提出更高的要求,也对中学英语提出了挑战。为适应时代需要,要把素质教育渗透到教学中去,以培养出高素质、跨世纪的人才。  关键词:中学 英语教学 素质教育    历史跨入21世纪,国际、国内竞争将更加激烈,这种竞争对人才提出了更高的要求, 也对中学英语教学提出了挑战。面对这种形势,中学英语教学必须适应现代化人才培养要求的地位和作用,以培养出高素质、跨世纪的复合
摘要:本研究旨在考察总体等级评分(holistic rating)和句法成熟程度 (syntactic maturity)在评估学生作文之间的关系。 本研究通过计算句构成熟的五个指标(TNW, MTUL, MEFTUL, %EFTU and SR)来研究学生作文的句构成熟度。研究数据表明,根据总体等级评分标准所评估的作文分数同 MTUL 和MEFTUL这两个指标具有有意义的相关性,但是同TNW和%