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首都圈最早建立跨断层流动形变监测网始于20世纪60年代末,主要布设在北京周围广大地区,覆盖了主要活动断裂带。在过去的40多年里,首都圈地区及附近发生了多次强震,如1976年唐山7.8级、1989年大同6.1级和1998年张北6.2级地震等。本文首先对首都圈地区的跨断层流动形变观测资料进行了映震能力分析,然后探讨了监测场地的监测能力。结果表明,首都圈地区跨断层流动形变69.64%的观测资料和75.00%监测场地对已发生的较强地震具有较好的映震能力及监测能力,能够较好地捕捉到强震孕育、发展、发生等前兆异常信息。 The earliest established cross-fault flow deformation monitoring network in the metropolitan circle started in the late 1960s and was mainly distributed in vast areas around Beijing, covering major active fault zones. In the past 40 years, many strong earthquakes occurred in and around the capital area, such as 1976 Tangshan 7.8, 1989 Datong 6.1 and 1998 Zhangbei 6.2 Earthquakes. In this paper, the seismic reflection capability of the cross-fault flow deformation data in the metropolitan area is analyzed firstly, and then the monitoring ability of the monitoring site is discussed. The results show that the data of 69.64% of the cross-fault flow deformation in the metropolitan area and the 75.00% monitoring site have good capability of reflecting and monitoring the strong earthquakes that have occurred, which can well capture the occurrence and development of strong earthquakes, Occurrence of precursor anomalies and other information.
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