重点项目作支撑 转型跨越铸辉煌——保德县重点工程项目建设巡礼

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中共山西省委书记袁纯清在今年7.28讲话中指出:转型跨越发展是再造一个新山西的核心,加大投资力度、优化投资结构则是推动转型跨越发展的关键。今天的投资力度,就是明天的发展速度;今天的投资结构,就是明天的产业结构。发展县域经济,县级主要领导要亲自抓项目,多走出去,多跑项目、多引资金,通过一批大项目、好项目,打开转型跨越局面,加快强县富民步伐。2011年,保德县委县政府深入贯彻落实山西省委“转型发展、跨越发展”和忻州市委“三五”工作总要求,以建设“三晋新型工业强县,中西部物流集散地,优秀宜居宜业城市”为总目标,按照“优势提升、大项带动、加速集聚、扩张发展”的工作思路和“四位一体、统筹推进”的要求,不断创新工作举措,千方百计抓好落实,积极优化发展环境,全力倾注再提升,转型升级,开辟新路,强势推进一批集群性强、牵动力大、产业链长的中央省市县重点项目工程,大打项目建设攻坚战,促进了全县经济又好又快发展。 Yuan Chunqing, secretary of the CPC Shanxi Provincial Committee, pointed out in his speech 7.28 this year that the transformation and development across leaps and bounds are the key to rebuilding a new Shanxi Province. To increase investment and optimize the investment structure are the keys to promoting transformation and leapfrog development. Today’s investment is the rate of development for tomorrow. Today’s investment structure is tomorrow’s industrial structure. The development of county economy, the county-level key leaders should personally grasp the project, go out more, run more projects, attract more funds, through a number of large projects, good projects, open transformation across the board to speed up the pace of county rich. In 2011, Baode County Committee and County Government thoroughly implemented the general requirements of Shanxi Provincial Party Committee, “transformation and development, leapfrog development” and Xinzhou Municipal Party Committee and the “Three-Five” work, in order to build “a new industrial strong county in Sanjin, Distribution center, excellent livable city ”as the general goal, in accordance with “ advantage to enhance, big drive, accelerate the accumulation, expansion and development ”work train of thought and " four in one, promote co-ordination Vigorously promote a number of key projects in the central provinces, cities and counties that are characterized by strong agglomeration, strong driving force and long industrial chain, with a large number of projects Fight construction projects fight tough, and promote sound and rapid economic development of the county.