Searching for Identity——Analysis of Antoinette's Identity Crisis from the Perspective of Lacan&

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Wide Sargasso Sea,as a prequel to Charlotte Bronte’s Jane Eyre,has been very influential in English literary field.Its author,Jean Rhys,expressed what Charlotte Bronte hasn’t expressed in Jane Eyre:The author has given a thorough analysis about Antoinette’s life before she becomes insane from different aspects,which make the insane woman newly understood for the readers.This paper intends to analyze Antoinette’s journey of searching for her identity through interactions with different people and the functions of mirror as the object in real life by applying Lacan’s theory of the mirror stage. Wide Sargasso Sea, as a prequel to Charlotte Bronte’s Jane Eyre, has been very influential in English literary field. Its author, Jean Rhys, expressed what Charlotte Bronte has not expressed in Jane Eyre: The author has given a thorough analysis about Antoinette’s life before she becomes insane from different aspects, which make the insane woman newly understood for the the readers. This paper intends to analyze Antoinette’s journey of searching for her identity through interactions with different people and the functions of mirror as the object in real life by applying Lacan’s theory of the mirror stage.
<正> 《战国楚简汇编》,商承祚教授遗作,1995年齐鲁书社出版。全书372页,266000字,八开本。售价280元。该书所收为:(1)湖南长沙五里牌M406、(2)湖南长沙仰天湖M25、(3)湖南长沙杨家湾M6、(4)、(5)河南信阳长台关M1、(6)湖北江陵望山M1、(7)湖北江陵望山M2出土竹简。这7批竹简时代均属战国中晚期,地域和文字风格均属楚国,故称其为"战国楚简"。作者在《前言》中详细考证了战国楚简的编联制度,并对简文内容和文字作了概括说明。该书正文首先列出每批竹简的照片,然后录
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