教育研究中有待分析处理的数据有不同的类型。就数据是如何获取的,可将数据划分为“计数的”和“测量的”两大类。而所谓计数数据,也就是通过点计个数得到的数据。 绝对数又称简单次数,它是由点计个数直接得到的数据。比如,一个幼儿园的大班中,有男孩16人,女孩20人。合计36人。这里的16、20,以及36都是绝对数。绝对数是具有单位的数据,本例中单位就是“人”。
There are different types of data to be analyzed and processed in educational research. The data is divided into two categories: “counting” and “measuring”. The so-called count data, which is obtained by counting the number of points data. Absolute number, also known as the number of simple, it is the number of points directly from the data obtained. For example, in a large kindergarten class, there are 16 boys and 20 girls. Total 36 people. Here 16,20, and 36 are absolute numbers. The absolute number is the unit of data, in this case the unit is “people.”