Application of Typology Image Research Method in Photography Creation

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  With the development of times and cultural aesthetics,typology photography is no longer just a means of recording.Typology has gradually become an important method in photography creation.Typology photography is widely used in photography creation because of its unique inductive group,the epitome of the era,and the visual impact of unified picture content.This article will discuss the role of typology in inducing groups in photography and enhancing visual impact.
  1.The role of inductive groups in typology
  Typology plays a role in the inductive group and the environment of the times in portrait photography.This is not only conducive to the combing and archiving of the works,but also greatly helps the author to explore ideas and create inspirations during the creation,helping the author to enrich the content and plump the works.And it is more conducive to the performance and expression of the theme.
  At the beginning of the 20th century,the portrait photography of the famous German photographer August Sander was very typed.He called his filming plan "the people of the twentieth century" and planned to take portraits of people from all walks of life and various social classes in Germany.He pursues "precise photography",a clear-cut,straightforward style with reluctant portrait photography.His work is based on the specific regional environment system that photographers are familiar with in the specific era of recording local people,whether intentional or not,his works.They all reveal the qualities shared by the characters in his time.
  In China,there are also excellent photographers like Sander.The Song Dynasty was originally a miner who had been working as a miner for six years.The "coal blacks" brothers he photographed were his workers.The Song Dynasty did not consider too much when shooting.Each miner is a relatively independent individual,with different appearances in the same background environment.But when the works of the Song Dynasty were made into exhibitions,the viewers read out the prominent points of the miners' character,the miners' total temperament,tenacity,and their personal character.Which person may be subtle and steady,who is willing to work hard,who is Perhaps when work is lazy,it is clear at a glance.The Song Dynasty captured the penetrating gaze in the form of portraits,showing the different personalities of the miners.The uniform white abstraction background,the oppressive composition,strengthen the characters' eyes and push the characters' faces,and show each character intuitively to the audience.The miners he photographed are not only the miners themselves,but also represent this era.The epitome of this group.   2.Typological photography strong visual impact
  In the creation of photography,not only the role of recording and induction,but also the large-scale type shooting of the same kind of subjects,similar subjects and the same theme through time accumulation will greatly enhance the visual effect and communication effect of the works.
  A family portrait may not be called a "photograph",but if a family photographs a family portrait for ten or even twenty years in the same environment,it will be a very shocking picture.In such a set of photos,we will intuitively feel the traces of time passing through in people and the environment,the changes in the appearance of each person,the changes in the personnel throughout the family,the development of the interior environment with the development of the times,and so on...When these photos are put together,there is no need for gorgeous decoration,no other language is required,and the charm of the image itself will infect the audience.
  The pictures taken in this way are uniform and neat,have a sense of series,and are easier to expand in later creation.At the same time,although each of these photos is an excellent single photo,the accumulation of the number of photos has greatly increased the visual impact and appeal of the photos.Typology photography is an objective and rich sense of creation.It is not only a mechanical record of the scene,but a close-up representation of the characteristics of the subject after summarizing the characteristics of the subject.This kind of photography technique allows viewers to see the similarities and differences between multiple photos at a glance.This is in the literature recording,inductive group,the spirit of the era,and the rich content of the unified picture elements.It plays a vital role in the very common and practical way of shooting when creating photography.
摘 要:MOOC课程内容建设模式已较成熟,但是本校信息科学与工程学院肇始之初,与之配套的实验体系建设还刚起步,而设置合理的实验训练体系,对于未来工程师和程序员的培养具有重要意义。文章分析了MOOC课程中现有虚拟实验体系的现状:遵循学生为主体、教师为主导等教学理念,由教师团队预先设置并基于学习数据分析动态微调教学目标、精心设计并在教学中根据反馈动态调整。总结了湖南师范大学在计算机类虚拟实验建设过程中
摘 要:分析我校药剂专业办学的行业和地方形势及普洱市药学技术人才需求情况,明确我校药剂专业人才培养的目标,对 “三位一体”人才培养模式的长效管理和高效运行机制进行积极的探索,以期培养适销对路的应用型人才。  关键词:药剂专业;三位一体;人才培养模式  1 我校药剂专业办学形势  《国家药品安全十二五规划》中明确提出:到“十二五”末,所有零售药店法人或主要管理者必须具备执业药师资格,其营业时有执业药
随着环境建设的备受重视,各地园林绿化建设步伐的加快,很多好的园林建设已能将人与大自然很好地协调,将历史文化内涵再现出来,对园林设计的各项要求把握得恰到好处,体现出设计者的聪明才智及社会责任感。绿化装饰就是艺术想象力的创造活动,这种创造活动赋予了绿化新的语言,沟通了人与自然之间的情感。  城市园林设计是一个系统工程。不论城市的总体还是一个社区,都是由大小的“生态经济文化系统”组成的。生态意识应该是这
作为一名幼儿教师,我深深的感到,应以创新精神为出发点,努力完善自身的综合文化素养,尽快形成自己的教学特色,以适应时代的需求、幼儿的需求,成为一名优秀的好老师。一直以来,我十分热爱教师这个职业,我充满热情,孩子是阳光的使者,是未来的希望。  当我真正胜任这份工作的时候,我感到无比荣耀,没有华丽的辞藻,有的只是我心中感情的真诚流露。为了让孩子们在体、智、德、美方面的协调发展,实施科学的保育和教育,让幼
摘要:农业机械自动化是现代农业的重要标准,是实现机械化生产,提升生产效率的重大举措。实现农业机械自动化,从农业的生产过程、运输过程、销售过程加强对自动化技术的应用,极大地促进农业生产效率,推动现代农业的发展。  关键词:农业机械;自动化;现代农业;应用;发展  引言  随着社会的发展和进步,我国逐渐加大了对农业生产的投入,并开展了农业机械自动化应用于农业生产工作中的项目,不断拓展农业机械自动化生产
摘 要:随着社会的进步和发展,课堂教学发生着很大的变化。如何上好一堂课,与师生的关系是密不可分的。在课堂教学中,教师占主导地位,学生占主体地位,学生主动的参与有利于教师更好的完成教学工作。初中生在一些方面尚未成熟,还处在自我主动参与意识的感性理解阶段。这就要求教师对如何实现初中生的主动参与性,提高他们课堂教学参与度进行特殊研究。  关键词:道德;法治;语言艺术;多媒体  我们知道,素质教育要从提高
摘 要:《中国教育改革和发展纲要》指出:“全面提高学生的思想道德、文化科学、劳动技能和身体心理素质。”国家教委副主任柳斌同志《实施素质教育中的几个问题》的讲话中提到:“施行素质教育,其中最主要的有三个问题:第一解决基础教育是面向少数学生,还是面向全体的问题。这个问题非常重要。第二解决基础教育是进行片面的教育,还是全面发展教育问题。第三要解决的问题,是使学生机械发展还是生动活泼地发展。”  关键词:
摘 要:在我国的教育体系中,存在两种语言体系,一种是我们的母语即汉语;另外一种即英语,相对于汉语而言,英语体系在语言的运用和翻译上有很多的技巧,不像汉语一样可以直接翻译或运用。所以说我们在对英语类的篇章或语句进行翻译时就要结合文章及语句的时态及场景,对词组的词性适当进行同化或转化,使其符合原文的构成,贴合实际含义,符合语句的逻辑顺序。在此,仅以本文试析下英语翻译中如何利用技巧中的词性转化来使其通顺