
来源 :有机硅材料 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:kkrriikk
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当今的有机硅工业正处于剧烈动荡之中:中国蓝星(集团)总公司收购法国罗地亚公司的有机硅业务、GE公司将有机硅业务出售给美国阿波罗投资公司、道康宁和瓦克合资的硅氧烷生产基地在张家港破土动工,甲基氯硅烷生产已进入战国时期,热硫化硅橡胶和室温硫化硅橡胶的生产正走向规模化,中国有机硅工业的重心正逐渐从珠江三角洲移向长江三角洲。在这关键的时刻,业内人士无不关注今后中国有机硅工业的发展趋势。为此,《有机硅材料》编辑部特邀有机硅行业内有代表性的企业的负责人就“中国有机硅工业的发展趋势”发表看法,希望对您有所裨益。 Today’s silicone industry is in turmoil: China National Bluestar (Group) Corporation acquired Rhodia France’s silicone business, GE will sell the silicone business to the United States Apollo Investment Corporation, Dow Corning and WACKER joint venture Of the siloxane production base broke ground in Zhangjiagang, methylchlorosilane production has entered the Warring States Period, the production of thermal vulcanized silicone rubber and room temperature vulcanized silicone rubber is toward large-scale, the focus of China’s silicon industry is gradually moving from the Pearl River Delta Yangtze River Delta. At this critical moment, the industry are all concerned about the development trend of China’s silicone industry in the future. To this end, “Silicone Materials” editors invited representatives of the silicone industry, the person in charge of the “China Silicone Industry Trends” made an opinion, I hope for your benefit.
探讨、论证海洋石油钻井平台及石油钻机井架、底座结构设计中的气动弹性及稳定性,即(Karman涡街)效应和舞动(Galloping)的产生及稳定性。 To discuss and prove the aeroelasticity and stabilit
请下载后查看,本文暂不支持在线获取查看简介。 Please download to view, this article does not support online access to view profile.
本文介绍了中药化妆品的申报程序及研发思路,展望了中药化妆品的前景。 This article introduces the application process of Chinese medicine cosmetics and research id
以往的实验表明 ,乙型肝炎病毒 (hepatitisBvirus,HBV)的preS1-(2 1-4 7)序列直接参与病毒与细胞膜受体的粘附 ;HepG2细胞膜上存在HBV受体活性的蛋白质。本文作者利用人工合成的 4 preS1 (2 1 47)序列 ,通过亲