
来源 :广西会计 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:liujifanhua
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一、1992年工作简况广西会计学会在中国会计学会和区财政厅、区社科联的指导、支持下,在全体理事和广大会员的共同努力下,一年来,遵循邓小平同志南巡重要谈话精神,结合我区实际情况和学会工作特点,做了一些工作,取得了一定成绩。(一)进一步开展学术活动,交流推广学术成果一年来,学会工作本着为财会中心工作服务,为深化会计改革服务的指导思想,年初即拟定以深化会计改革,提高经济效益为中心内容的六大课题,分别召开常务理事会和团体会员会进行布置,要求各团体会员联系实际,广泛深入开展学术活动。为进一步贯彻落实邓小平同志南巡重要谈话精神,广西会计学会与北海市会计学会,以“深化会计改革,大力提高经济效益”为中心课题,于1992年8月5日至7日,在北海市联 I. Work Situation in 1992 Under the guidance and support of China Accounting Association, District Finance Department and Censor Bureau, under the joint efforts of all the members and members, in the past year, Guangxi Accounting Society followed the spirit of Comrade Deng Xiaoping’s important talk in the southern tour , Combined with the actual situation in our region and learn to work characteristics, did some work and achieved some success. (I) Further Academic Activities, Exchange and Promotion of Academic Achievements Over the past year, in accordance with the guiding ideology of serving the financial center and serving the needs of deepening accounting reform, the Institute learned the work of drafting the guiding principles for deepening accounting reform and improving economic efficiency as early as the beginning of the year Big issues, respectively, held an executive council and group members will be arranged, requiring members of each group to contact the actual, extensive and in-depth academic activities. In order to further implement the spirit of Comrade Deng Xiaoping’s important talk in the southern tour, Guangxi Society of Accounting and Beihai Institute of Accounting, with the theme of “Deepening Accounting Reform and Making Great Efforts to Improve Economic Benefit”, was held in Beihai City from August 5 to July 7, 1992 United
一、报刊分发集中邮区中心局处理的试点工作 随着邮区中心局体制的深入推行,信函、印刷品、包裹都已集中到邮区中心局处理,基本达到了减少经转环节、加快传递速度、降低成本、
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在许多数学资料上有如下一道习题:题目设a,b0,则a2+b23a3+b3.该题可以推广如下:推广设a,b0,mn0,则nan+bnmam+bm.证法1原不等式(an+bn)m(am+bm)n(an+bn)(an+bn)nm-1am+bm an·