
来源 :河北农业科技 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:simon_sx
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土壤肥料是农业生产的基础工作。为了进一步促进我省农业生产的发展,现就如何搞好土肥工作提出如下意见: 一、我省肥料的发展方向近年来,我省化肥施用量猛增,而有机肥却受到不同程度的轻视与冷落。五十年代中后期开始施用氮肥,到七十年代初转变为以氮肥为主。全省第二次土壤普查后。磷肥的施用量随之增加,氮磷配合施用已成为我省常规施肥技术。与建国初相比,全省化肥施用量翻了数番,而有机肥施用量仅比建国初增长了两倍。目前,在提供作物生长所需的氮磷钾养分中,仍然有30%的氮、60%的磷和95%的钾靠有机肥来提供。笔者认为,目前我省肥料发展方向应该是有机肥和化肥相结合,以提高各种肥料的利用率。有机肥具有化肥不可替代的作用,两者配合使用,缓急相济,互补短长,才能更好地提高肥效。二、科学施肥所谓科学施肥,就是要实行分类指导,量需施入,以节约肥料、提高肥料利用率为目的。 Soil fertilizers are the basic work of agricultural production. In order to further promote the development of agricultural production in our province, the following opinions are put forward on how to do well the work of soil fertilization: First, the development direction of fertilizers in our province In recent years, the application of chemical fertilizers in our province soared, while the organic fertilizers were contemptuously Left out. In the mid-and late 1950s, the application of nitrogen fertilizer started to be dominated by nitrogenous fertilizer in the early 1970s. After the province’s second soil survey. The amount of phosphate fertilizer will increase with the application of nitrogen and phosphorus fertilizer has become the conventional fertilization technology in our province. Compared with the early days of the founding of New China, the amount of chemical fertilizers in the province doubled while that of organic fertilizers increased only three times that of the foundation of early 1950s. At present, 30% of nitrogen, 60% of phosphorus and 95% of potassium are still provided by organic manure in providing NPK nutrients for crop growth. The author believes that the direction of development of fertilizer in our province should be the combination of organic fertilizer and fertilizer to improve the utilization of various fertilizers. Organic fertilizers have an irreplaceable role of chemical fertilizers, the two used in conjunction with the urgent relief, complementarity shorter length, in order to better improve fertilizer efficiency. Second, scientific fertilization The so-called scientific fertilization, is to implement classification guidance, the amount required to be applied to save fertilizer and improve fertilizer utilization for the purpose.
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