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核工业建工系统在核工业第一次创业中,为核工业建设事业做出了重大贡献;在核工业第二次创业过程中,仍要发挥建设主力军的作用。在秦山核电站一期工程建设中,核工业二二建设公司和二三建设公司的技术人员、干部和工人发挥技术优势,克服重重困难,圆满地建成了我国第一座自行设计、自行建造的核电站。经过运行考验,证明其建造、安装与调试质量是良好的。由此, In the first pioneering work of the nuclear industry, the nuclear industry construction system made a significant contribution to the cause of nuclear industry construction. In the second pioneering process of the nuclear industry, it is still necessary to play the role of the main force in building the nuclear industry. In the construction of the first phase of the Qinshan Nuclear Power Station, the technical personnel, cadres and workers of the Nuclear Industry Second and Second Construction Corporations and the Second and Third Construction Corps took full advantage of their technology to overcome numerous difficulties and successfully completed the construction of the first self-designed and self-built nuclear power station . After running the test to prove that the quality of its construction, installation and commissioning is good. thus,
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