
来源 :西部皮革 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:aerbinbayaer
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1994年是一个不平凡的年景、猪肉涨价、外地抢购猪皮,从而使猪皮价格大幅度上涨,企业难以承受。面对困境,全省制革行业举步艰难,不少企业处于亏损边缘。 然而,遂宁制革厂厂长蔡宁,从科技上下功夫,在管理上练“内功”,抓原皮闯市场,创下了企业历史最好水平。1994年,实现工业总产值4092.5万元,比上年增长12.2%;实现销售收入5624.7万元,比上年增长35.8%,实现税利733.6万元,比上年增长208.5%。其中:利润比上年增长216.9%,增值税总额比上年 In 1994, it was an extraordinary year, pork prices, buying pigskins in foreign countries, so that the price of pigskin has risen sharply, and companies can hardly afford it. In the face of difficulties, the tanning industry in the province is struggling and many companies are on the verge of losses. However, Cai Ning, director of Suining Tannery Co., Ltd., has made great efforts in science and technology, practiced internal strength in management, and grasped the original leather hide market, setting a record for the best level of corporate history. In 1994, the industrial output value reached 40.925 million yuan, an increase of 12.2% over the previous year. The sales revenue was 56.247 million yuan, an increase of 35.8% over the previous year, and the tax profit was 7.36 million yuan, an increase of 208.5% over the previous year. Including: profit increased by 216.9% over the previous year, total value-added tax compared to the previous year
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