
来源 :现代涂料与涂装 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:qvodsbsbsbsbsbs
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我国涂料市场供需平衡价格见涨据有关资料及信息反馈,今年涂料市场总趋势是,供需基本平衡,价格逐步看涨。 自九十年代以来,我国油漆的需求量年递增率为6%,1995年全国油漆需求量为115万吨,1996年约120万吨,96年化工部涂料的排产量,乙烯类、硝基类、有机硅类、橡胶漆类及辅助材料等,均比95年有所增加;天然类、沥青类、醇酸类等则有所减少。另外,国内合资企业、乡镇企业现有生产能力30万吨左右。预计今年国内涂料基本上可实现供需平衡。从涂料的消费看,专用漆需求变化不大,工业、建筑用漆用量将增加,其中,汽车工业用漆量将有大幅度增长。因此,厚涂层阴极电泳漆、罩光清漆、塑料专用底漆、汽车修补漆及发动机用漆等应是重点发展的品种。 The balance of supply and demand prices in China’s paint market saw an increase in data and feedback. According to relevant information and information feedback, the general trend of the paint market this year is that supply and demand are basically balanced, and prices are gradually rising. Since the 1990s, the demand for paint in China has increased at an annual rate of 6%. In 1995, the national paint demand was 1.15 million tons. In 1996, it was about 1.2 million tons. In 1996, the output of the Ministry of Chemical Industry was the output of the coating, ethylene and nitro. The category, silicones, rubber paints, and auxiliary materials all increased compared to 1995; natural products, asphalts, alkyds, etc. decreased. In addition, domestic joint ventures and township and township enterprises have an existing production capacity of about 300,000 tons. It is expected that this year’s domestic coatings can basically achieve a balance between supply and demand. From the perspective of paint consumption, there is little change in the demand for special paint, and the amount of industrial and architectural paints will increase. Among them, the amount of paint used in the automotive industry will increase significantly. Therefore, thick-coated cathodic electrophoretic paints, varnish, plastic primers, automotive refinishes, and engine paints should be the focus of development.
中国是世界公认的纺织大国但不是纺织强国 在新旧体制交替转轨过程中,纺织工业被生产能力过剩和结构调整两大难题所困扰。如何重振雄风,再创辉煌,中国纺织总会会长吴文英宣
1934年,因母亲病危,沈从文匆匆赶回湘西。行前,他与夫人张兆和约定,每天给她写一封信,报告沿途所见所闻,这便是《湘行书简》。本文节选书简部分内容,由此可以洞悉作者当时的处境以及内心的矛盾苦闷,也是对历史以及作者创作的小说、散文的一个有力佐证。  1  三三,我的心不安定,故想照我预定计划把信写得好些也办不到。若是我们两个人同在这样一只小船上,我一定可以作许多好诗了。  我们的小船已停泊在两只船旁
根据有关资料报道,德国Julius Lippert机械与钢结构公司根据市场的需要,推出了该公司最新的“Lippert”技术及装备用来生产卫生陶瓷。德国提出的这种最新现代化卫生瓷生产技
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