来源 :Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xryanqd
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The presented system consists of field devices, a control system and a host computer sys-tem. The field devices, which are composed of an in-pipe micro-robot, a displacement sensor, a cur-vature sensor, and an inner surface measurement unit, can go into the pipe to get the data of displace-ment and axis curvature, and the shape data of the inner surface. With the conic-shape laser beam shotby the inner surface measurement unit, the intersectional curve between the laser beam and the in-ner-surface of the tested pipe can be calculated in the local coordination system (LCS) of the innersurface measurement unit. The relation between the LCS and the global coordination system (GCS)can be deduced, too. After the robot reaches the end of the pipe, all measured intersectional curvescan be translated into the same coordination system to become a point cloud of the inner surface ofthe pipe according to the relations between LCS and GCS. Depending on this points cloud, the CADmodel of the inner surface of the pipe can be reconstructed easily with reverse engineering tools, andthe feature of flaw of the pipe can be obtained with flaw analysis tools. The presented devices consist of an in-pipe micro-robot, a displacement sensor, a cur-vature sensor, and an inner surface measurement unit, can go into the pipe to get the data of displace ment and axis curvature, and the shape data of the inner surface. With the conic-shape laser beam shot by the inner surface measurement unit, the intersectional curve between the laser beam and the in-ner-surface of the tested pipe can be calculated in the local coordination system (LCS) of the innersurface measurement unit. The relation between the LCS and the global coordination system (GCS) can be deduced, too. After the robot reaches the end of the pipe, all measured intersectional curvescan be incorporatedinthecostsystemthethepipe cloud of the inner surface ofthe pipe according to the relations between LCS and GCS. surface of the pipe can be reconstructed easily with reverse engineering tools, and the feature of flaw of the pipe can be obtained with flaw analysis tools.
摘 要:“注重与现实生活的联系”是高中生物新课程标准的四大理念之一,也是提高学生生物科学素养的重要手段。现阶段,对这一理念的认识和实施现状如何,应该怎样才能很好地实施这一理念?本研究通过问卷调查,统计分析中学生物教学中对这一理念的认识和实施现状,并结合国内国外的成功经验,对高中生物“注重与现实生活的联系”理念的实施提出可行性建议,供中学教师和在校师范生参考。  关键词:新课标;生物教学;实施现状;
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