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以教师为中心的“主客二分”式传统翻译教学模式已现弊端,学生翻译能力与市场需求不相协调。基于经验主义的任务型翻译工作坊为解决这一矛盾提供契机,教师“主导”地位消解,学生主体性得以发挥,主体间性出场,双方在互动中实现平等、自然、合理的对话与交流,有利于学生翻译实践综合素质的提高。 Teacher-centered “subject and object dichotomy ” traditional translation teaching mode has drawbacks, student translation ability and market demand are not coordinated. The task-based translation workshop based on empiricism provides an opportunity to solve this contradiction. Teachers “dominant ” status digestion, student subjectivity can play, the inter-subjectivity appearance, the two sides in the interaction to achieve equality, natural and reasonable dialogue and Exchange, is conducive to improving students’ overall quality of translation practice.
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The adsorption of xenon from air has an interest in the monitoring of nuclear explosion or accident, or in the treatment of nuclear waste gas. In this paper, th
The reaction of ethanol with propylene oxide over calcined layered double hydroxides(CLDH) was investigated. The results show that CLDH has a good activity and
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·综 述·关于浆体的管道输送…………………………………………………………………………张怀法国内外减阻剂研制及生产新进展………………………………………………李国平