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茶蚕系我国茶树上的重要害虫,一般报导其分类地位多归属于蚕蛾科,但根据成虫前翅脉相缺R_3脉,后翅S_c脉与R脉间无横脉,雌、雄蛾触角异形,雌蛾触角丝状,以及幼虫无肛前突,上唇深陷及密生体毛等特征,归属带蛾科的带蛾亚科较为合宜。 福安地区茶蚕一年主要发生三代,寄主为茶及油茶,幼虫群栖性强,老熟后在地表化蛹,有明显的越夏蛹期,常自6月中、下旬开始,延续至9月中旬,其历期长短决定于8、9月份的气温,一般在旬平均气温下降至28℃以下时大量羽化,降雨量间接影响气温而作用于越夏蛹。越冬虫态主要为幼虫,亦有以卵越冬现象,这主要决定于越冬卵及严寒季节来临的迟早,越冬幼虫出现期虽有较大的差异,但第2代成虫出现期与越夏蛹期的开始,各年代间差异不大。 试验测定结果,老熟幼虫有较强的抗药力;喷布0.1%乐果有较好的杀虫效果,使用6%可湿性666 20倍或30倍毒土对老熟幼虫有一定的触杀作用,但受单位面积沾药量、接触时间等影响;培土灭蛹在培土深度达50毫米以上,可显著减少蛹的羽化出土。 Tea silkworm is one of the most important pests on tea tree in our country. It is generally reported that its classification status belongs to the silkworm moth family. However, according to the absence of R_3 veins in the adult veins, there is no transverse veins between the posterior veins S_c veins and R veins, Female antennae filamentous, and larvae without anterior process, the upper lip deep and dense body hair and other characteristics, belonging to moths with moth subfamily is more appropriate. Fuan area mainly occurs three generations of tea silkworm year, the host for the tea and tea, larvae habitat strong, mature larvae on the surface of the pupation, the more obvious pupal period, often from the beginning of June, late, extending to 9 In the middle of the month, the duration of the season is determined by the temperature in August and September. Generally, the feather number emerges when the average temperature drops below 28 ℃ in ten days. Rainfall indirectly affects the temperature in the pupal summer. Overwintering insect states are mainly larvae, but also the phenomenon of overwintering eggs, which is mainly determined by the arrival of the overwintering eggs and the cold season sooner or later, although the emergence of overwintering larvae have greater differences, but the second generation of adult emergence and the pupal stage The beginning, little difference between the various ages. Test results show that the mature larvae have strong resistance; spraying 0.1% dimethoate has a good insecticidal effect, the use of 6% wettability 666 20 times or 30 times poisonous larvae have a certain role in contact with larvae , But affected by the amount of pesticides per unit area, contact time and other effects; Pei Pu pupil in the soil depth of more than 50 mm, can significantly reduce the eclosion unearthed pupae.
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目的 用免疫组织化学法区别人小肠组织的血管和淋巴管。方法 先用未标记的特异性抗体与标本中相应抗原反应 ,再用抗特异性抗体的酶标记抗体与结合在抗原上的抗体反应来鉴别
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