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中长跑是中学体育教材中的必修内容,也是中学生每年体质检测必测的达标项目,更是近年来初三毕业中考体育的必测项目。但是由于中长跑运动动作单调、枯燥,有一定的运动负荷量,导致学生学习兴趣不高,教学活动受影响,教学目标也难以完成。在调查与分析的基础上,不断改进教学手段与方法,通过十分钟跑的练习,培养学生对中长跑的兴趣,以达到提高学生耐力素质,养成终身体育的教育之目的。 The middle and long distance running marathon is a compulsory part in the middle school physical education teaching material. It is also a standard item that the middle school students must meet in the annual physical examination. It is also a must-test item of middle school graduation exam in recent years. However, due to monotonous and boring exercise motions of middle and long distance running, there is a certain amount of exercise load, which leads to students’ low interest in learning and teaching activities affected, and the teaching goal can hardly be accomplished. On the basis of investigation and analysis, we will continue to improve teaching methods and methods. Through ten minutes of running practice, we will cultivate students ’interest in middle and long distance running so as to achieve the goal of improving students’ endurance quality and developing lifelong physical education.
美国人伊万·金(Evan King)和施晓菁所翻译的《骆驼祥子》两个英译本中,由于译者文化身份的不同及文化差异,翻译策略上呈现出相对应的态势,伊万·金的翻译渗透着对中国文化的
<正> A simulation on the propagation of lower hybrid wave in EAST is conducted. Raytracing, evolution of the parallel refractive index, and power deposition pro
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摘 要:游戲在幼儿教育发挥着主导作用,游戏精神对于幼儿教育有着积极的现实意义。游戏精神观旨在积极主动、自由创造等,其目的在于将游戏与学习完美地结合,因而高效地促进了幼儿的学习与成长,同时游戏精神观为幼儿教育把握了合理的方向,使幼儿教育过程中充满人性化,有利于幼儿的健康成长。主要探讨游戏精神观照幼儿教育的积极意义,并阐述其意蕴到行动过程的实施策略。  关键词:游戏精神;幼儿教育;行动;意蕴  幼儿的
对喷射沉积、900℃×2 h固溶+470℃×2 h时效处理制备的Cu-0.8Cr-0.75Y合金拉拔成线材后,在自制电磨损试验机上进行电滑动磨损试验。采用电子天平与扫描电子显微镜等方法对Cu
An additional lower hybrid wave (LHW) with a higher refractive index (N_∥) wasinvestigated in the HT-7 tokamak to bridge the spectral gap. It was found that t