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广东人看外国影视片的机会多,片名翻译的混乱现象也多,作为影迷的我,烦恼就多了。从文化范畴上讲,广东夹在北方和香港之间而钟情于香港,因此广东的译制片名也是大陆和香港两套体系并存。大陆的电影译名是大部分直译、小部分意译,而香港的做法是小部分直译、意译,大部分改名。所谓改名,即是说把原来的片名弃之不用,纯粹根据影片的故事情节(注意:不是思想意蕴)、依自己的爱好、按类型电影的归属为影片另起一个新名,这是港人的习惯做法。这样,我们往往看到同一部电影拥有两个片名,而那个与原名毫无关系的新名,就跟旅游风景区满山遍野的石头都叫“猴子观海”和“天女散花”一样低趣庸俗,雷同得了无新意,尤其是一些由文学名著改编的电影,片名“译”得让人难以接受。记得年前广州某报曾发过一篇小文章谈及这种“改”名的不妥之处,很快就另有文章旗帜鲜明地展开了有力的反驳,充分肯定了这种“译”法的长处。这里自然存在着文化背景的差异,没有必要一定争论个孰是孰非,但将其作为一个颇 There are many opportunities for Cantonese to watch foreign films and television programs. There are also many chaotic translations of title titles. As a movie fan, I have more troubles. From a cultural point of view, Guangdong is clinging to Hong Kong between the north and Hong Kong. Therefore, the title of the system of translation in Guangdong is also a coexistence of the two systems of mainland China and Hong Kong. Most of the mainland Chinese movie translations are literal translation, a small part of free translation, and Hong Kong’s practice is a small part of literal translation, free translation, most of the renamed. The so-called renamed, that is, the original name of the film abandoned, purely based on the story of the film (Note: not ideological implication), according to their hobby, according to the type of film belonging to the film another new name, this is Hong Kong People’s habits. In this way, we often see the same movie has two titles, and that the new name has nothing to do with the original name, just like the tourist attractions covered in mountains and stones are called “Monkey Sea” and “Tiandan scattered flowers” as boring Vulgar, the same has nothing new, especially some adapted from the literary masterpiece of the film, “translation” was unacceptable. I remembered that some years ago a newspaper in Guangzhou had sent a small article to talk about the inappropriateness of this “reform” name. Soon there was a clear rebuttal in another article, fully affirming this “translation” Strengths. There is a natural cultural differences here, there is no need to debate what is right and wrong, but as a rather quite
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<正> 当前苏南的乡镇企业正面临着历史性的机遇和挑战。一方面,邓小平同志南巡讲话的春风预示着一场新的深层次的改革开放大潮正在兴起,为乡镇企业迅速发展创造了前所未有的历史性契机。另一方面,全国范围内的深化改革、扩大开放也使乡镇企业即将面临争脱了束缚的国有企业的有力竞争,其原有的以面向市场、经营灵活、高效高速这特征的
关于板和框的分析的文献资料有不少,但多数因其计算复杂应用到模具设计上受到限制。这里叙述的是比较简易的有关容框及刚性卸料板的计算方法。 一、容框尺寸计算 在采用橡皮
国际货币基金组织和日本经企厅搞了一个各国国民生产总值对照表,时间排到1991年。这一年国民生产总值: 美国 567750000万美元; 中国 37117300万美元。比较的结果是:美国比中